
and now I can't get Sam Kinison singing "Rock of Ages" out of my mind

Woolly Mammoth alive?! We are impressed!

Like wow!, that's some pretty old weed, man.....

maybe dog and cat ghosts count in that 70 figure?

TEAM AMERICA! FFFF-YEAH! Continuing our role as world cop with defense spending that is beyond ridiculous. Glad we don't have domestic issues more urgently begging for funds.

NO! We have enough Neanderthals living among us now. We don't need more. Let's focus on evolving and not going backwards.

now I only associate this with one thing.... ha ha

Now playing

It just an older iPad! It's funny! Ha ha ha!

Don't think I'd sacrifice Dr. Crusher, but how about Worf's son? Those episodes with the Kid Klingon just didn't do it. I think he and Lwaxana Troi's blood would've made the gods happy.

if the sacrifice was Wesley, you can't believe we'd not all appreciate it just a little bit

did Gigilo Joe kill anybody?

This is why I boycott Vogue (and all other rubbish pushing mass commercial fashion derived from sweatshop labor)

Do I believe we surged in Afghanistan? Yes. That it was an incredible waste of lives & money? Yes. Did this keep our DoD budget at Bush-era levels of waste? Yes. Does the growing interest on this bring the total to over 1 Trillion dollars? Yes. Seems pretty obvious that by not surging, by not warring

Love it, want it, need it!

Thx. I wasn't sure if I should rant, but it felt good to get it off my chest

a vile surge in Afghanistan, following the Bush exit-strategy in Iraq (wait, adding paid mercenaries instead of soldiers because of fore-mentioned bogus surge), drone bombing civilians everywhere, warring for oil in Libya and not standing-up against unprecedented DoD growth - yup, that's hope and change to believe in

She should mindlessly follow Obama's agenda of making war, growing DoD spending, selling-out to Big Insurance & Big Banking, trashing liberties, maintaining Gitmo forever and quashing health care reforms of any real value! Shame on her!

Yea, anybody wanting to reduce our debt, close government agencies run by revolving-door lobbyists and cease all these pointless wars must be a dick. Not like that asshole who campaigned on 'change' and then greatly upped military spending, made more wars, sold-out to big insurance companies, lavished Wall Street


Think outside the US borders!