So all women are to look like super models? Right.....
yea, so cool they defined marriage as only between a man and woman. Real cool... er. COLD
I'd vote for her over Obama in a heartbeat
Did you see Ghostbusters 2 twice? That wasn't even worth watching once!
Agreed. And I still wish he'd done that to Ghostbusters 2
I guess shopping at locally owned stores instead of "big box" was hoping for too much?
To quote Homer: Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
no doubt!
or just another reason NOT to watch Conan
For just a moment, Twitter feed *almost* became interesting to read.... almost.....
Sorry, but I'm not that jaded yet. When people with real ideals and morals are elected, instead of corporate whores like the GOP, Dems and, especially Obama, we may just get some results.
Pretty simple:
I'll get some matches