
Definitely was one of the creepiest. In fact, I don't seem to recall one less creepy....

So will Zeke have a sidekick named Zommie? Maybe a friendly dog that is just packed full of mischief and repeatedly says "Zoinks!" when he sees rotters. And maybe Zeek's mom can be re-written as his ninja girlfriend who'll be part cyborg! Oh, how I fear Hollywood....

no shortage of hot dog meat then!

How can you not declare Soylent Green as people?

as well as Donald!

First, look for the space fortress with the red sidewalks. "Life" is probably running around with an illudium q-36 explosive space modulator.

What was that honey? It was BAD! It had no fire, no energy, no nothing!

injecting one's body with poison.... just sounds like a category for the Darwin Awards

This article's title made me throw-up in my mouth just a little bit. I must be undead. Zombies rock.

I'm sure there is room in #237

Yup, she's cashing-in on his story like everybody else.

National Geographic did something on hairy caterpillars a while ago. Fascinating critters, really.

Young teacher, the subject

if it is a witch! and what do we do with witches?

7 tools to party like a consumerist pagan-wannabe! Who buys a $1300 tent besides rich parents too busy to take their kids to a Renaissance Festival? More importantly, to say this is to paganism is to say a Walmart Christmas Sale is to Christianity.

We don't have war any more! Just "mass kinetic military action" with a good ol' side of civilian drone-bombing!

I concur!

Star Wars and Zombies? I like it! That would beat watching yet another blu-ray release with Vadar's dignity shredded, Greedo shooting first and a re-animated Yoda. I'm sure Lucas' plans to add Jar-Jar into Episodes 4-6 aren't too far away (that about sums-up Lucas' ability to do ANYTHING more for the series)

Just think, if copyright laws weren't being so ridiculously extended to protect guys like Lucas, we'd have people producing new versions of Star Wars. Sure, they'd be different, and some might have the worst cast of losers to grace the planet, however, something better would arise besides Lucas' new money making