
Homer Simpson: Kill my boss? Do I dare live out the American dream?

and their father smelt of elderberries!

So what has been the most damaging/damning thing to come as a result of Wikileaks? (Besides the questions of how we handle our data and if this is ethical)

but there is hope! We can pray those birds to a righteous path of clean living (or absolute denial, as in the case of Mr. Bachmann)

with plenty of field space to let the nerds graze!


and if they were mating with Neanderthals....

So now it'll just be smokes and cats.... lots and lots of cats....

LOL, Ya, beat me to it! :-)

So we could've "surged" on NASA spending and kept jobs, inspired tomorrow's scientists, etc., but instead we surged in Afghanistan. Some change...

well, at least IceMetal didn't say it was one ring to rule us all....

"Saucer of milk - table for two - meow!"

Yes, that perfectly sums-up your comment.

Ewwww.... Ghost Rider. As for watching more flops to develop a greater "appreciation" of bad... no thanks!

Oh good! Sharks aren't being exploited! I'll just assume someone combed beaches instead of paying fishermen for their kills. Nobody would ever think that owning pointless 'art' like this ever leads to jerkwads buying scrimshaw dust-collectors, rhino horn necklaces or other endangered species trophies. So thanks

again, sharks are exploited for human amusement....

Predicting something that'll be worse than Catwoman 2004

but what if we use the tech to blow-up civilians in another war for resources? I'm talking minerals in Afghanistan that justify a surge instead of a withdrawl, or maybe a mass Kinetic Military Action (we previously called it war, but the white house relabeled it) in Libya/Yemen/fill-in-the-blank. (sorry, had to

queue the song....