
Venom isn't gonna stop Honey Badger. He don't care.

Zombie-Apocalypse will follow too quickly. Go right to zombie-readiness!

no doubt!

Don't worry, I'm sure Obama will slap them on the wrist again (with a wad of money).

So Joe the Plumber is now Joe the Cafeteria Employee? I think I like my Joe's to be G.I.s

I'm glad Anthony Weiner is keeping busy posting on Gizzmodo

The horror! The United States is an American Cocker Spaniel barking at a train!!!!

You really think there was going to be "change" under Barack Bush? LMAO!

If PacMan is on the ladies suit, wouldn't Ms. PacMan be on the speedo?

Oh now don't be silly! Adam & Eve rode those things. Just like the Flintstones. They had special saddles made and everything. Some museum... (OK, I can't even use the word museum... so.... wrong)... some creationist theme park in Kentucky said so.


SyFy, why is this on and SGU gone?

and country singers

No doubt Akki. (and try not to let the ramblings of a clueless troll ruin your day!)


Cool parents don't subject their kids to Ewoks. Maybe if they'd made a Wookie village, they'd be cool, but definitely NOT for Ewoks. FAIL.

Does supporting Barack Bush count? More war, more Gitmo, more tax breaks for the rich, more TSA violations, more drone bombing of civilians, more selling-out to big business, more DoD spending, cuts to social programs, screwing the environment, etc., etc., etc.