Earth has to run out of water, or else we can't sell fear! Sound logic, as presented by you, ruins the panic. So please seek inspiration by Chicken Little and start shouting (but not "the sky is falling", because that implies life-sustaining rain)
Earth has to run out of water, or else we can't sell fear! Sound logic, as presented by you, ruins the panic. So please seek inspiration by Chicken Little and start shouting (but not "the sky is falling", because that implies life-sustaining rain)
I see your true colors, shining through....
Per the article: "360 wind turbines to pump out 300 MW of power" for $870 Million. It will power "tens of thousands of homes".
Just remember to vote 5th Element! Otherwise, see clip
It is a funny spoof on Star Trek. Odd that "Spaceballs" didn't make it in. It'd been a great match-up vs Galaxy Quest.
So in addition to fearing global warming, I can now fear universal cooling too?
so now Tweeting masochists can satisfy Tweeting sadists even more? Sad.
just as long as they maintain their fine collection of ramps & stairs for aging pets to get into my bed.
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Doh! Ya beat me to the punch! lol
Hear! Hear!
It is the 21st Century and another NASA "highlight" is a lackluster car moving at a whopping 120-mph after a 1970's aircraft. Way to inspire.
@Klebert L. Hall: The President can do a lot. Instead:
@FuzzyOrca: I never would dispute Bush was tied to oil. He was proud of it. He admitted his close ties. Obama is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. Few people want to acknowledge this fact.
Big Oil owns Obama, so why isn't this a surprise?
@wcanyon: welcome to pseudo-science