
When I took my young nephews to see ET they were more afraid of the jangling keys.

I liked Camilla as a morally bankrupt civic leader. and Hope Davis was great and far more diabolical than I thought Davis could pull off. No wonder she barely flinched bee-bagging. Initially, I thought the father Lydell was going to be the one pulling strings because Paul Raci just sucks all the wind out of a

Thoughts and Prayers.

Except she said more money would give him the win, and he took her advice on the two women from Waystar to keep. He ultimately delivered on those things. Further she wasn’t actually drinking and she did not actually snort any coke. She was on fire and in control.

Whoa! , now that’s a twist.

This may have been Shiv’s finest moments. Last week having all but force to agree to let the brothers take the dual corporate leadership, and totally off her game, she triumphed in just 12 hours. I thought Snook looked physically different, her face void of angst and instead she was a Bond girl: cool, seductive and

Things happen. I can almost hear the good defense lawyer arguing that you know, things happen in the world. Things happen. It doesn’t mean anybody is guilty of anything.”

This was definitely an episode that either one went along for the ride or fought it most of the way. I see Manuel is holding court in the latter. But I was all in. First breaking up the group so one had these mini-adventures was a blast. Roy & Jaimie, sure Roy learning to bike was an amusing part of it, but the

I do go back to the lake scene from (last Season) and that was a wonderful extended moment from where you speak.

Whoa! A lot of reveals tonight, a few many of us here bounced around. But if anyone would have guess one of the biggest reveals of the show would be a violation of The League of Nations........

Whoa! You’re a bigger optimist than I. To my mind, he went into his puppy dog mode, a very practiced survival mode he has used time and again to stay relevant in the family.  Let’s not forget he screwed Shiv over selling his soul to Roy and now he is up a creek without a paddle or a life preserver 

Yikes this was classic SUCCESSION, however in this case, everyone turned into vampires. The Waystar team, (damn Gerri!), the siblings but god almighty Marcia was brutal.

Her spiral of photos seemed to match that painted red spiral on the plywood wall.

It’s always best to keep one’s options open.

There has got to be a twist with Pete Strickland. I just haven’t figured it out yet.

There was so much to take in with this episode.

I fear for Tai in as much as she is simply not in control of her “selves” and what exactly is causing that is some witchy shit from the mountain/forest

Can we just pause for a moment and recognize Melanie Lynskey’s stunning performance with the carjacker at the garage? That monologue complete with having to “peel back the skin” or pointing the gun at him and confessing how she was shaking not because she was afraid, but how much she wanted to kill him.” THAT was the

Well I guess that’s better than knocking over fruit stands or road rages!