
Apparently, from the same company Nike Air Max 97s are decked out with 60 ccs of holy water sourced straight from the River Jordan and injected into the soles (so you can literally walk on water like me), a crucifix, red insoles to call back to Vatican traditions, and a Matthew 14:25 inscription. They’re also scented

That midnight escapade took place at a club in DC

I’m so indifferent to artistic acts of controversy I wasn’t even shocked when Karen Finely smeared chocolate sauce all over her naked body yelling “Cunt” repeatedly or another woman who would have an unsuspecting audience member (that would be me) pull a string snaking between her legs and walk holding it aloft acros

Even last name first that would never be a name I would have ever wanted to go through life having.

Hope it isn’t windy.

When the script was right, nobody could play the nebbish neighbor here hopelessly smitten by hooker Streisand. When she explains she doesn’t always have sex with her clients and explains a guy pays her so he can roll hard boiled eggs at her while sitting spread eagle on the floor, Segal nails the confused horror

You know the headline was right there, Sam.

My guess there will be an end-credit scene where he announces he’s running for Governor of Texas

Who knew that on Sunday Dec. 17, 1989, an animated feature series would still be airing today? Show of hands please by those that knew. Hmmm, no one. Not one on AV Club. Why?

I find the level of hatred that people express about views that differ from theirs, and the violence of language towards others, disturbing.”

What’s especially impressive about it is it interferes with US Elections by shooting gerrymander cannons to  Red States, some with hybrid rays to slow voting lines to a crawl.

Did he push the kid off the building?

I thought this was one of those “Where Are They Now?”  bits like on “People”

I never saw the original so I will be diving into this intact, unsullied, virginal, mint in box, pristine, chaste, unblemished, flawless, untouched and untainted.

I thought JOKER was pretty damn great.

But Wikipedia gives no clue as to how they were identified or caught....

Yikes. This sounds like the kind of film Spielberg would announce his retirement upon completion.

Whenever I got drawn into conversations about great sequels, I would bring up “Bogus Journey” and people just stared.   I don’t know where they are now but I wish I could link them here and tell them I sunk their battleship.

I was high...........I pushed the wrong button........