
“nekonomikusu” (or “nekonomics”), which charts the positive economic impact of having a cat mascot.

So Pixar went with this rather than my remake of The Incredible Mr. Limpet?

So how did these places stay in business?  I hear the pizza sucked, the people obnoxious, the prices ridiculous............ you could go to a Sbarro for that and at least be at an airport going some place.

It kind of has that Catholic, Drag Queen, Later Mid-Century Shabby Chic thing going on that was so popular in like never.

Let’s see what’s on AV Club today

Lithgow was also nominated for his performance in Garp.  He is that good.

Has everyone here forgotten about THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP Spectacular performance by Lithgow and 8 years prior to Silence

Which only proves most lawyers are pussies.


This show was so off the grid I had never heard of it before until reading this obituary. This is happening to me all the time.

Don’t ever change my good man, you’re perfect just they way you are.

Dude Leftovers is a TV show! The first season was very hit and miss, mostly miss, but the remaining seasons are superb.

I liked the first one well enough.

Well has anyone asked Keanu?   I mean, he seems easy going enough.....

I guess you could call this review a pap smear.

From the time he started Larry King Live to about 2005, there was no one better at making a politico or talent feel at ease. During my publicity days I got to take to stars doing publicity for their respective films to Larry King Live.

It may be years later, but glad you are watching.  This series becomes absolutely transcendent  with a flawless finale.  Stay with it.

I just re-watched Sucker Punch in your honor. You know, there is much of it that works phenomenally well.

That it sounded so probable, whether or not it was true is secondary.

I dunno.