
To be fair to Seinfeld, the lack of character growth was an essential premise of the show, not some (perceived or real) mistake.

I liked the story arc of the character but found his character irritating and one of the low notes (aside from the plot and some moments toward the end of the arc) of the season. But to be fair and admit my prejudice, I don't tend to like Ansari's work.

I won't say 9 was superior to 7, but I do think 9 is quite underrated, especially later in the season as it was finding its groove. (Other comments far above if so interested).

I also saw him mention that his original concept was for the cast to be like ER where people would come and go. That didn't happen, obviously, but this was an opportunity to see if that could be fulfilled.

Now it's an entirely different situation and context, but nonetheless, because of the actor, I'm reminded of Mike Heck's exchange with Sue regarding Brad and "Brad said a boy liked me." Both incredibly funny moments of misunderstandings.

Re JD in the latter incident, I don't see it that way. He often was a dick early on as well and had a selfish streak, which was really simply the more malevolent expression of his needy nature, so I don't see it as out of character, as much as it was frustrating to see him still running in circles (perhaps one could

Yeah, the clip show was weird in that JD prefaces it immediately by saying it's a lazy clip show (I forget the precise scripting but it's something re remembering moments like a TV show too lazy to come up with an original story), and then it indeed is that, without surpassing that expectation at all! The amnesia

I think you just nailed my ambivalence! Yes, the way they did it worked surprisingly well, so I tended to go along with it and root for them as a fan, despite remaining suspicious and never quite convinced of the long-term plot.

Yeah, I can see that easily either way and both back then and now have been ambivalent or even suspect at times of how that went. It does seem lazy or too fan-flattering or some-such.

Yeah, I think that the point here is that the show gave us a background for Elliot that makes it reasonable and even likely, despite great emotional growth, she would be a bridezilla and in general never quite stop being "boy crazy."

It's great just having seen so many of the cited moments such as this as Comedy Channel ran a Scrubs marathon yesterday and is bringing the repeats back to rotation apparently.

I wouldn't go so far as to say it was so awful. I would say in some ways, specifically around the interns, season 8 was worse (e.g. the painful attempt at integrating Aziz Ansari), and while season 9 started poorly and I wasn't in favor of continuing it, as it developed it had some great moments, particularly with

Yeah, that's a favorite quote/moment in our household!

Yeah, I don't know if I'd see his work in Scubs making it if only for it being so much a side note, albeit a brilliant one, already an already-strong cast, but in The Middle he's done some great work with an increasingly weightier mix of emotions especially as his character realizes he's aging and, with the kids

Over time in the series we get a wonderfully insightful view as to how he became the person he is, from the pervasive and permissive sexist atmosphere of his early days not only in society but especially for an authority figure as a doctor, to how we see ongoing that the choices he has to make, as for anyone managing

Nah, BEST Tuesday - now he'll do go on to better things, this kind of change is what we need! Imagine if Letterman hadn't squandered his talents for a couple decades?

It's a couple or so years overdue but glad Stewart recognized it was time to leave, so many entertainers don't realize they're getting stale and lame in a role, so kudos to him, and looking forward to what he does next.

Intellectually, no, mostly, except for this age group that seems to be here. I am always surprised when young people want to see older bands from before their time no matter how much they like those bands as there's so much new stuff to choose from, and while humans are big on repetition, we're also big on "new and


I was fairly intolerant, too, at that age I think it's common in that stage of life.