Will there be penisorus?
Will there be penisorus?
The End......?
How about a reboot of Flesh Gordon?
No, it’s a reference to the actual story ‘The Jaunt’ which involved a form of teleportation. The trick was you had to fall asleep before teleporting because if you were awake, you went insane because the jaunt was MUCH longer than you thought - as one person said ‘It’s eternity in there’.
If any of the teens get invited to a Phil Collins concerts, I suggest they don’t go.
Don’t need a revisionist back story to The Wicked Witch of the West, either. She’s just wicked, we don’t need to hear her sing that she’s defying gravity.
Was that the one with the black survivalist character? I loved when he says ‘What the f—- is wrong with you people’ and the one says ‘We’re hungry’ and he replies ‘Haven’t you ever heard of pizza?’
Is this satire or actual racism? I’m no PC type (far from it) but some of this is shocking.