
Oh hey, it's also on sale for $27.34 at Amazon, where I have rewards card. Purchased! Thanks for inadvertently reminding that the game existed, Giz.

I've loved my 16 oz Thermos brand container since I got it last year. It has everything - wide base, caribiner to attach to my pack as I bike to work, drink-from-all-sides top, a handle, and it keeps my coffee hot for at least 7 hours - and that's with the sealed gasket open at the top. Dishwasher safe, too. Best $20

In the same tone, the new iPhone will be available in "Sassy Pink"

Because you have to account for the plastic around the connector point. I thought the same thing for a second until I realized that they need to leave that extra space in cases for that reason.

So basically, Netflix stood strong against tiered demands, much unlike iTunes ("too big to fail") when it switched from 100% $.99 to "all the new stuff is $1.29, the regular stuff is $.99, and some shit you'll never want to listen to ever is $.69"

#corrections - check your account and see what the actual date is sometime this month that your account rolls over to the new pay cycle. Sure, for 1/30th of you it's today (statistically speaking) but everyone else has varying amounts of time to decide what they want to do.

"Hey guys, we lost our Windows Phone 8 prototype in...a bar! How 'bout some press here."

So not necessarily conspiracy-minded people, but stupid people who don't understand how water refracts light? This woman is obviously an idiot.

I was about to cancel my DVD component to Netflix yesterday but I realized after reading the fine print that it's the first payment after September 1st, which in my case, isn't until September 15th.

They haven't returned your emails because they appeared at the bottom of their inboxes which now span several centuries; their computers no longer operating in our timestream.

Yes, because no one in the 21st century that is about to be blasted into an irradiated vacuum inside a metal tube with fire coming out of the end at hundreds of miles per hour would ever possibly feel the slightest bit nervous and wanting the comfort that religion has provided to people with dangerous jobs for

Dangit, until I saw the second picture, I was kind of hoping it was a model that would fit into a standard-sized lampshade top. Then I realized how stupid it was as I clicked the article, and now all I'm left with is this feeling of empty wistfulness.

Wait, I thought this was the Sony Tablet P? — "It also uses the same cheap, soft glass as the the Sony Tablet P"

Don't try talking about math, numbers, and cost of things to Apple users. If they valued cost over "pretty shiny" they wouldn't have bought Apple computers. ;)

Hopefully anonymously.

Dammit, you beat me to it - as I was reading the article, the song started playing in my head.

As a Christian, I disagree - my views on the sacred are that since the human body is just a shell for the soul, it doesn't really matter what happens to the shell after death. Personally, I feel that getting rid of my mortal remains cheaply, effectively, and ecologically responsibly are my only important criteria.

Seven has always been a good number.

I'm at work so I'm not going to try to search for it now...but it goes without saying that anyone who actually cares (or is an educator just trying to get it to show a damned 5 minute clip to her students) can pull the entire thing in avi/whatever format off of torrents, right?

Unfortunately, the people you probably want to hear you are not likely to be reading Gizmodo. You want the ones that are busy spending our social security and trying to figure out how to turn on a computer.