Nicolas Wingding Redfern

Zero fucks whether it was Neill Blomkamp or Brett Ratner….my main beef is with Ridley Scott who used his bigshot Hollywood clout to can the other Alien flick, just because he fucked up with Prometheus and felt the need to make up for it. And by the looks of the trailer, it's basically just a copy/paste of the first

Fuck this movie, fucking old hack Ridley Scott pulling his small dick out to get Neill Blomkamp's way superior flick blown out of the water, just so he could make a sequel to his shitty excuse for an Alien flick Prometheus. I hope it fucking tanks.

In other news, everyone in the world says "Please don't".

Maybe the seagull from The Shallows can shit on his face.

Crazy chicks are so fucking hot.

Only thing missing is Emma Stone masturbating furiously.

"We can then make a joke through our universal language translators about
how we got there in less than 12 parsecs and get confused looks from
our alien hosts, because they don’t have Star Wars in the TRAPPIST-1 system…"

If you're going to be a true dodgeballer then you've got to learn the five d's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!

It's working for the A.V. Club….

The "Desperately Trying To Stay Relevant 2017" Tour

Kids…. :D

Everyone supports Vegemite over Marmite because everyone hates Melbourne.

So I haven't watched this one. Jack Bauer's catchphrase was "DAMMIT!"

Same. They must be doing something right for some people, but I just can't see the appeal.

"It is funny, though, if only because of how much work it probably took…"

Colin Hay is no Neil Finn.

What is it with you guys and associating Marmite with Australia? You just look silly now. It's VEGEMITE! Here I'll make it easy for you……

A sample of Olivia Munn's dialogue was just leaked when her phone was hacked again, which had the script on it…..

Keanu, we saw the Matrix sequels.

I'll be the boss, Lana.