Worst gas mileage - I’ll guess a Hummer (or anything really), “warming up” in the driveway. Zero m.p.g.
Worst gas mileage - I’ll guess a Hummer (or anything really), “warming up” in the driveway. Zero m.p.g.
In Maine this is referred to as a “camp” nawt a “cottage”.
Look at her face. Nothing turns her on.
These doofuses should both be named Chad...BIG Chad and lil’ Chad...the Ultimate Chadidiots!
“Imagine being a girl and having to keep an extra pair of underwear in the glovebox in case some guy revs his engine at a stoplight.”
Oh great! Now I have to go wash my eyes...
rotate 90 degrees CCW for Martian facebook users flipping Earthlings the bird....leave us alone...
rotate 90 degrees CCW for Martian facebook users flipping Earthlings the bird....leave us alone...
No blame on the Shuttle, it just didn't want to go to new jersey.
maybe it was the stripper - and the mysterous magnetism of the pole...
I'd make the list longer and add among others, Dan Gurney.
Wish they would build a Bullitt Model - even better if it looked just like the pervious body style Bullitt. New body is overstyled.
i NEED to know where he got the cool tee shirt with crocheted perikinkle pocket!
i don't understand the right hand turn signal. they clearly veered LEFT