
You can pretend they're totally normal cells too. The differences are only little software changes that you can't see at this level anyway.

It's the Taj Ma-Pew-Pew-Pew.

When you have a nearly infinite amount of information available, the value of any one piece of it is almost zero.


Hmmm, the discontinuity at 0:23 is a bit suspicious. I looked at the original article, and the Google Translate is like a Zen Koan:

@A.Jaswal: Let someone who has recently smoked a cigarette sit in it and breathe for five minutes.

Carbon is god's Lego.

"discovered what sounds like the bottom of a dank, muddy river."

From the McD's FAQ...

@chris.hinch: Well, they always tell you it looks like a postage stamp when you're on approach. Now we know why.

Sorry, it's just not as exciting as you would have hoped...

Yawn. Inception should have been titled "Hey, wait a second..." which is what you would have been thinking about every minute or so through the film if the visual and the pace weren't fast enough to keep you distracted.

This is silly. You can argue either side of the question about the quality and value of Bose stuff all day long, but a Bose TV? Seriously no. Anyone who wants a halfway decent TV wants to buy a real name-brand TV of their choice. The Bose thing looks hideous too. This offering does nothing to increase my respect for

Mine is in Hong Kong this morning according to FedEx. Delivery Estimate Oct 1.

With two of those I can make a double-rainbow-cocktail-simulator!

This is kinda neat/fun/cool and all, but I could just nip around the corner to TJ's and pick up an elegant bottle of Charles Shaw wine for $2 and not have to wait for days.

> Coffee? PHLEUGH.

For England!

All these people running around cheering and saying thy'll now buy Blu-Ray discs because they can back them up need to pay attention to the fact that this doesn't change anything really for media copy protection.

At least we finally know the answer to that age old question...