So corrupt, indifferent police... A D.A. who isn’t dropping charges simply because we told them to... Majors has always been the victim in this?...
So corrupt, indifferent police... A D.A. who isn’t dropping charges simply because we told them to... Majors has always been the victim in this?...
So you’re acting as his PR machine now? Cool.
Conversely, I find I no longer want play Pokémon anymore because I used to name one critter from every game after my late Corgi (whose perpetually sharp puppy claws were the inspiration for my screenname) and now the memory of doing so just makes me too sad.
Even in non-abuse situations, it’s incredibly common for people who have gone through a traumatic event to act in a manner that they’re accustomed to acting, simply because of the comfort present in maintaining some semblance of a routine.
I think you’re probably right in that, if someone has made being unfuckable a core part of their identity, and they later decide to do things to make themselves more attractive... they tend to Tate out.
omg it took me a second longer than it should have to get that image, but that’s beautiful
Funny how when you pay a nanny/daycare and domestic cleaner to do it it’s suddenly a job, but if you’re doing it for free it’s no longer work.
I’m in a depression group that has a lot of incels. I decided to try talking to some one on one and it’s been an interesting experience. Most of them desperately want a connection and the love of another person, they just truly don’t know how to interact in social settings. Many don’t even have male friends because…
Shiv, who’s spent now 3.5 seasons doing her utmost to compete with men in soulless corporate environments by adopting their antics.
“Voting is a chess move, not a valentine.” - Rebecca Solnit
I simply hope that this public infighting damages every Republican candidate so badly that Biden coasts to re-election—not because I love him, but because his presidency would mean no national abortion ban.
We already kind of had that study thanks to 9/11 and the brainworms it gave a certain kind of SF or comics writer. Most of whom never recovered (though bizarrely Frank Miller did, albeit only to his pre-9/11 which is still very... Frank Miller). It was noticeable that in most cases, they already has some tics…
I mean, it was awesome, and I’d love to have more, but David’s story was over and done with. I wouldn’t mind seeing some stuff with Jackie as a teenager, though. Or have some stuff with Panam, or Judy. There’s also so many people in the game that clearly have interesting lives but are only in it for a few minutes.…
Your two sides are a hellishly dystopian mega corporation, or literally the fourth reich. Nazis are always the worst person(s) in the room.
What’s even dumber is he’s going to “investigate” the move...just walk away, man. You got your “W” with your handpicked board of friends. You already took a victory lap. Just let your buds meet up for a nice dinner every once in a while, act like they’re in charge, and everyone goes about their business.
I love it. These right wing chuds have been doing the same things for decades and are now clutching their pearls on their fainting couches because someone did it against them.
I mean that’s the worst kept secret of Star Wars. George Lucas is a mediocre director who can’t write dialogue. The first movie was saved by editing which was basically taken out of his hands, he wasn’t involved with Empire really at all, and ROTJ clearly has the marks of heavier Lucas involvement.
The whole thing reads like a practical joke troll that got out of control. I still wonder whether L Ron Hubbard was actually serious about believing this crap or not.
This seems more likely to me. I mean, what kind of coup is an employee going to undertake, and from the restroom no less? Like, are they going to walk up to Musk, pull out the last remaining stapler on the premises, and demand to be made CEO while Musk is at the urinal?