Bono's Boner

Like you said, he’s supposed to be Trump without the Trump, but as soon as he opens his mouth about anything actually relevant in policy he has no idea what he’s talking about and has zero charisma. I truly cannot wait to see him and Trump on a debate stage just to see this sanctimonious asshole get torn to pieces by

FYI (once again): The Dr. Emilio imposter account posting here in this thread is NOT the long-established account user known in the Giz family.

Further proof that a President doesn’t leave office after four years. The effects of their term lasts for decades.

“When his sister got pregnant at 17, she went to live at an anti-abortion maternity home until she gave birth and put the baby up for adoption.”

What an eye-opening image. Truly horrifying. Makes me more mad at the Russian government, Stein herself, and the rubes who voted for her. 

In a general election just 1% not voting for her might be all that’s necessary to prevent this modern fascist party from regaining power. If Jill Stein (who kicked off her campaign by flying to Moscow for this picture with Putin and Michael Flynn, shortly to be appointed National Security Advisor by Trump!) hadn’t

Because they don’t care how stupid it is, just that their team wins the culture war.

It’s crazy that japenese porn blurs out pussies yet Ted Cruz’s face is allowed to be freely published in its natural state.

Ben Shapiro has a lot of own goals to his name, but this one might be at the top. It’s either “I don’t arouse my wife” or “Here i am at Home Depot where I bought a single piece of wood to own the libs”.

I’ve had great success at dealing with this problem by simply not assaulting women

and once told her a t-shirt she wore stating “The Future is Female” made him sad.

It’s usually "criminal mastermind evades police," but then you find out they "evaded" police because police forgot to look for them.

Plus back in Bundy’s day, law enforcement didn’t coordinate and communicate like they do now.

I can’t remember where I read this, but the women who survived Ted Bundy all said he was a creepy weirdo who openly picked his nose. But, of course, no one listened to these women.

There were so, so many times when I’d describe men I knew as creepy and other men would behave as if slapped; being called “creepy” is apparently one of the worst things for them, and the response was always that I was being unfair to them. My thing is that I’ve been in a few abusive relationships and like a lot of

It’s also hard as a young woman to listen to your instincts. If you have doubts about a guy, people will just brush off your concerns. As a young woman, I met this guy, he wanted to take me out. He was well dressed, clean, polite and from a good family ...every parents idea of a nice boy. I wanted to cancel and run,

how was cyberpunk edgerunners missed? also the super mario bros super show is on amazon prime (in canada)

Your underselling how difficult it is for a Democrat to win a statewide race in Ohio right now. The state has been on a rightward swing for a while as the population gets older and younger votes move west. in 2020 Trump carried the state 53% to 45%. The DNC put plenty of resources into the Ohio senate campaign.

What do you think, McCarthy, can you give me a number crunch?