Really? Gosh, I envy you.
Your description of this movie makes it sound like Moulin Rouge - minus the self-aware fun everyone was having with being so over the top.
They’re going to need to lay the satire on thick to keep MAGA-types and other fascists from thinking the Imperium of Man is a glorification of their beliefs.
The rumor of Jason Momoa vacating the Aquaman role in order to play Lobo makes a ton of sense, but who is Henry Cavill gonna be? Zauriel?
Glad the deal is official now, because when the story came out the other day it sure felt like Cavill’s people leaking it to make sure people realize he’s still a working actor.
Dear Congress People,
I’ve noticed lately that with these sorts of posts, cryptobros no longer fall over themselves to post a thesis in the comments describing how wrong we all are about cryptocurrency.
something something venn diagrams
It’s not surprising. I live in Georgia, and Georgia is not really a swing state. It’s a Red State that hates Trump. Brian Kemp, the Governor, won in basically a landslide. It speaks to how terrible Walker was as a candidate.
I had the honor of meeting Brendan recently and he’s exactly the sweetheart you would expect him to be.
The best thing you can do to reduce the number of underage people selling sex is provide them with other options that don’t involve living in an abusive situation. Most underaged people who sell sex are not trafficked in the traditional way you would think of the term — there’s not necessarily any force, fraud, or…
If these people are canceled, then why do we still hear the crap they say? We can only wish for such cancelation.
Aubrey is an idiot.
Please, Colorado. Please make her take the job she really wants, which is talking head on Fox.
“I’m also sick of frivolous lawsuits,” she stated.
Amazing how the people of Iran are fighting for freedom and we have a sizeable group of “people” here in the US that want to make it exactly like Iran.
Tucker Carlson talking with Kanye saves two other people from having to talk to either for a while
Conservative are a backwards bunch in that they want YOU to be perfect but you’re not supposed to be offended by their flaws.