
He seems to have a more biology/medicine background than Barry, so he's kind of a substandard amalgamation of Barry/Cisco and Caitlin. So unless they drop any of those characters I don't see the point of him. Besides being a rather boring love interest.

I did think that was odd. She could have been counting her BS as part of that 10 years, which would be more in line with the norm (4 BS + 6 PhD).

A definite step up in quality, in a season I've liked but not loved. A few things that I'm unclear on:

I know the whole superhero-motivated-by-girlfriends-death trope is pretty tired, but I just can't help but hope Iris eats it at the end of this season. Her only character traits now are 1) loving Barry and 2) being doomed. Pretty much every other character has more depth, including HR. Just get it over with.

Possibly she just really needed to get out of that hug due to Quinn's pathological aversion to showering.

They established that Julian is an expert in metahuman biology, so he could also slot in as Caitlin's replacement were she to die. I expect it will be one of the two, if anybody. Probably nobody.

Huh I was confused whether Luther made that comment as a joke. But I guess lead is his actual weakness. Bummer for him that pretty much all bullets are made of lead then.

I keep thinking that killing the monster obsessed with climate change using nuclear reactor fuel was supposed to mean something. That wasn't a random choice. But I can't make it fit together in my head. What were the writers getting at? That nuclear power is dangerous? Or is it the solution to our problems? Very oddly

True, but they do have access to the entirety of space and time. They could figure it out if they really wanted to.

I wonder if we'll ever get an episode about Star Labs logistics. How is Team Flash managing upkeep on this massive, possibly condemned, building? Especially when its ownership is so murky. Wouldn't it technically have passed to the Wells estate? Didn't Wells/Thawne have a board of directors, creditors, etc?

I'm sure this is coming, but it feels a bit strange for the team to join up with Ragman without really knowing anything about him or his Rags. What if they're powered by virgin blood or something?

I'm not terribly concerned about this, as regal tangs are ~$40 and the fish store staff will (hopefully) point out that tangs need large tanks. Faced with such facts, I suspect the parents will instead direct their offspring towards the clownfish, which can often be found for sub-$15 and can be kept in smaller tanks.

Awesome. A show could work, but I'm not sure how they'll deal with the claustrophobia of being on the same train, all the time. Just keep adding new cars that we've mysteriously never seen before I guess? (What we had a meerkat zoo car this whole time and no one told anybody???)

It was never a great show, by any means. But it was competent, and occasionally rather entertaining. It ended strongly. So of SyFy's recent output, it ranked near the top for me, not that that is a particularly challenging competition.

Yep. That and their series based on The Expanse. I'm barely holding out hope.

Wow, this really came out of nowhere for me. Maybe I've been living under a rock and/or in caves. Super excited to see it!

TIL El-P is white wtf. This is akin to the time I found out Major Lazer A) isn't real and B) is also a white dude. I should stop making race assumptions about musicians, as I'm apparently very bad at it.

Well, at least this weirdness encouraged me to go read the source material. It's memorable.

You know that feeling when you watch a video and just have zero response? Because maybe a little bit of you died inside? Yeah, that feeling should have a name.

Well BMO is voiced by a woman. And was briefly engaged to a sentient bubble voiced by LeVar Burton. So yes, I'd say BMO is about as female as a talking robot game console can be?