
Your comments on Patagonia and Yvon Chouinard are incorrect. I live in Ventura (where Patagonia is based). Yvon and his children do not live like kings. At least I don’t know any kings that drive an RV from Ventura to Montana for a summer vacation. If the goal was money for his kids, he would have died, there would

He only became a conservative when it was advantageous for him.

We could tax fuels to the extent that they do in Europe and almost every other developed country, causing the need to consume less and add to the nation’s coffers for frivolous expenditures like universal health care and top-notch public transportation.  But fuck that.  We are America, and we think we are the best at

I still don’t see what benefit if any, Honda would get out of this deal. Nissan would just be a boat anchor to them.

Hmm, ZDX?

I assume the price is so attractive because the lessee is getting the benefit of the EV incentive spread out over a relatively short (24 month) lease period.

You have to appreciate the hubris of a company that can say, Sure, Apple and Google have hired the best UI designers in the world for decades now, and they probably know more about how people interact with screens than literally anyone on earth but... I bet we could come up with a better interface in 12 months. Our

I have the ASpec AWD. Finish is flawless, comfortable,speedy and Android system is as easy to use as my pixel phone. A big plus is real HVAC and mirror controls. There is even a lever to open the glove compartment without sorting through screen menus. Efficiency is less than ideal but that’s why there is such a huge

My understanding is that Honda Prologue and Acura ZDX buyers are suffering through Ultium woes, including things as severe as bricked cars. EV buyers in general tend to be pretty knowledgeable, so it’s not like the majority of them don’t know they’re GM cars in Honda drag (less so for the Prologue, which looks majorly

Unfortunately, i think those of his supporters who aren’t misguided are also stuck in 1979 1879 1779 1679.

I was reading about WHY American Aluminum is more expensive than Canadian Aluminum. It all comes down to energy costs. The ore to make Aluminum is cheap and the vast majority of the cost to make it is all the electricity needed to refine it. Canada has a lot of cheap electricity because of dams, windmills and nukes.

Still trying to understand how these “wins” Trump keeps talking about from the tariff threats to Canada and Mexico are bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US... because it seems an awful lot like he just did a major goalpost shift to claim some kind of bullshit victory when the original goal was never going to be

Perhaps there are some missing details but it doesn’t sound like he tried to use it as a trade for something else. It sounds like he went back and tried to just get a refund. As anyone who has ever bought a car knows, you can’t just drive it around for a while and then bring it back to the dealer and get a refund.

I drive a Bolt EUV in the Dallas area. I get swerved at or accidentally “drifted” toward by the never ending stream of lifted trucks on the highways here. Those same dudes bought the Cybertruck. I don’t feel bad if they get harassed at all.

Remember back when Tesla tried to say if you wanted to sell a Cybertruck, you HAD to give Tesla rights of first refusal at MSRP? We’ve come a long way, they were originally worried about people flipping these things and now they realize nobody fucking wants ‘em. Of course Tesla doesn’t want it back; they’ve got

Ahhhh yes, buying one of the ugliest and most obnoxious cars, wrapping it in the most obnoxious color possible, then putting a FAT QR code on the back doesn’t make him a huge attention seeker. He’s just upset about the type of attention he’s getting lol suck it up buttercup. Actions and decisions have consequences.

Every MAGA nut is blaming the DC crash on ATC DEI hires, even though all of the evidence so far is showing the plane was at an altitude of 325 feet while the max altitude for the helicopter was supposed to be 200 feet.

Down By The River, LLC. 

I disagree. The Thai cave saga was a display of assholery and the previews of his belief that he’s the smartest person in the room, when you consider that was his reaction when a professional cave diver explained why the rescue capsule he sent was useless for that situation.

If anyone just looked at his business history, up to and including him forcing Tesla at falsely call him a founder of the company, then they knew all of the warning signs were there. I sure did. He always seemed off in a way that made my stomach turn. And he just kept proving more and more how my gut instinct was