Neutral: I would expect Volvo to go all electric within a few years.
Neutral: I would expect Volvo to go all electric within a few years.
Is it, though? Ignoring the supply limitations, tech to integrate, international support, and the fact that “transition” solutions should have been implemented a decade ago — the main concern is that this is a distraction and PR stunt. Maybe my opinion has been shaded by the Max brouhaha, but I find it hard to believe…
They’re not protestors. They’re neo-nazi terrorists.
You witnessed an attempted coup in the United States of America.
Put a fence around them, put up a gallows. Show them how traitors are treated.
Are you seriously trying to defend these seriously misguided people? Show me a legitimate source of election fraud! Something, anything. You all have had 9 weeks to come up with something, and there is nothing.
What in the ever loving fuck is happening in DC right now? Shots being fired both ways, protesters storming the Senate. This just shows the amount of power deliberate misinformation can have on people, causing them to literally storm one of our arms of government brandishing weapons. Again I say, What. The. Fuck.
With a car and trailer linked behind it.
You’ve missed quite a bit in the last decade. I'm sorry to say, most of it wasn't great, but viable EVs became a thing about 5 years back.
I own a viable electric car (Model 3 long range), charging infrastructure is adequate outside of major cities, and I generate most of my power myself. I live in New Hampshire and drove to Pittsburg through many a rural area and I guess you’d be surprised to find out that there are tens of thousands of public charging…
PSA has announced they will do no more development work on internal combustion engines. The 19th was the century of coal, the 20th of oil, and the 21st will be the century of electricity. That’s quite clear. The question is not if but when.
it’s nice that they’re finally starting to imply they want to improve public transportation.
Why make a $10k downpayment when you can borrow money at <2%?
Yes, if it’s registered as an RV. Then to the feds it’s no different than one of these, which also doesn’t require a CDL.
I drive a school bus. I can tell you the sight lines are fantastic.
Can you drive that without a CDL?
i bet the busses hood sight lines are better/lower than that silverado!
Only if they’ll put the stock wheels back on and lower the price by half.
Sick leave is for Commies!
Paycheck or death.