
Hybrids made by Toyota are ok. 15 yo Ford hybrids. Where are those? Junk yard, most likely.

1st: Well I am going deeper into EVs: I pick up my iX tomorrow.  And I can’t fucking wait.

Is that why EV prices are coming down across the board?

Due to the relative scarcity of old EVs on the road and limited supply chair for new EVs, of course parts are harder to come by (now). In 5- 10 years (after millions and millions of EVs have been on the road for awhile) the story will be different.

But I believe that myth busters video vs you (some guy on the internet). Thanks for playing.

No, I wasn’t going to be snarky. I assume a grown adult cannot open a door in a car that is submerged when it is full of air. The less the air inside the car, the easier it is to open the door.

Obviously, as soon as the car hits the water, try and open the door.

NHTSA knows what’s wrong with safety standards. And does nothing.

“we wouldn’t be surprised if it came out that something was wrong with the plane”

Um, what?  Biden was no the most left nominee in 2020.  

Terrible decision making.

Don’t denigrate kool-aid, man.

If you are able to put the windows down, you can get out.

“driving further because EVs are cheaper to operate”

1st: EVs also won’t solve for traffic congestion or environmental damage caused by suburban and exurban sprawl.

Holy shit. Rivian is the new AMC.

See also: those not willing to pay 2-3x the price

A “market crash”

Except the dealership owner.

The House always wins.