

It doesn’t.  I didn’t let it sit in there for more than 20 minutes.  But go on. 

An ICE vehicles has 2000 moving parts. An EV, about 20.

“For a lot of people, especially in large dense metro areas, those are 2 things the won’t likely have access to, especially charging at home.”

And my last car...

Who needs a pick up truck!?

Now do gas mileage on an ICE truck!

Stop it with your facts!

Mine was in 2013... :)

They spend the most money on cool, sexy, aggressive, athletic, and safe.”

I did a euro-delivery of my BMW and took an amazing route in July. I hit two goals, the highest pass in the French Alps (Col de la Bonnette) and the Millau Viaduct.

US 1 in Maine is quite nice.

From Boston, heading up through Maine to New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia.

Same.  With the price of rooms on the Cape, one of these would be great for beach weekends!

Damnit I just want an operable - opening moonroof. I’m tired of the stupid fixed glass craze that needs to end.

How much energy does it take to raise 8800 pigs? How much water? How much methane do they fart out?

I know first hand that a home charger is not absolutely needed.  I park my Polestar on street most of the time - driveway is too tight.  But I do have a charger installed (in a pinch).  Public chargers are usually ok, except when they’re not.

Volvo is definitely smoking some very special Swedish weed if they think teens and 20-somethings are looking to spend nearly $1000/mo on a new car. You know that’s what this will run with payment, insurance, etc.

“Dr” Oz is right behind.

Sounds like your condo board needs to make a sound investment.