They’re already out there: I saw two at a Hertz on Long Island last month.
They’re already out there: I saw two at a Hertz on Long Island last month.
I enjoyed that crossing on my way to college at Penn State. Incredible experience.
ICE can go more places, but not anywhere. There are plenty of rural areas where gas stations close so if you arrive at 2am you might be outta luck. It’s just that there are fairly few of them. EV charging will improve as adoption increases. It’s already not that bad...again the journalist did a bad story to push…
So no new car for you... because you can get an EV at just about every price point as a new ICE vehicle.
That is accurate - waiting for the 80-100% is the slowest’s much more efficient to stop at 80 and drive to the next fast charger. When I am on trips, I try and get as lot as possible (~5-20%) so I can hit the fastest charging rates.
Actually, she took the same route.
Agree, noobs will have problems as there is a learning curve. Trust me, I know what’s it’s like to glide into a charging station with white knuckles at 1-2% (when it 5 degrees outside).
Since when was popular equated with good on here? :)
New Orleans-Montgomery-Birmingham-Nashville-Louisville-Indianapolis-Chicago starting with 40% SOC
“People are still fueling up, despite these high prices,”
I think it’s a “yes, and” situation. Blare the horn and lights, turn on the AC. If a radar can tell someone is inside the car, then one can tell when help arrives. Lower windows maybe shouldn’t be the first thing..
The article was complete bunk. It’s as if the author intended to make the trip take forever. They didn’t use abetterrouteplanner or, from what I gather, even the car’s own Nav to plot their course. No one in an EV stops at dealerships to charge up.
Maybe for liability reasons. If the car immediately opens the windows and someone reaches in and snatches the kid or steals something else, is Toyota liable in a lawsuit?
curious which companies Musk was specifically referencing there; I’m going to assume one was Apple.
Of course it’s a G35.
If you’re getting into it for the first time, learning from scratch…start with what’s new/the future instead of learning what’s old, soon to be outdated
Agreed. It’s not a road trip car (for trips over 250 miles) unless you have time to kill. But other than that, it’s perfectly fine.
IKEA - flat packed and ready for assembly with Allen wrenches. Bring your own drywall screws though.
Similar size. More range.