
Ah I thought you meant 1-1 with an ICE vehicle. If you’re happy with the Model 3, more power to ya.

Ah I thought you meant 1-1 with an ICE vehicle.  If you’re happy with the Model 3, more power to ya.

It’s a combination of screen/knobs. For example, I can turn the radio on with a knob. Or adjust the volume. On the knob or using steering wheel buttons. Cruise control is on the steering wheel. Mirror adjustments are where you expect them. Turn signals and wipers/lighting are on proper stalks.

whine whine.

Might consider it an accident... definitely a collision. Depends on the lighting, driver speed, etc.

Elon is going to end up in prison. And it will be his fault.

So I get that that particular trip is 1 stop for gas, but do you eat and only stop once to pee?

There are very few true car “accidents.” A meteor strike, for one, I could consider an accident.

Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, DC

I’m not going to diagnose someone I’ve never met. Also, not a doctor.

Clearly haven’t been to a real city where plenty of middle and upper class schlubs take transit. 

make a car that doesnt take longer to fuel than gas, goes the same distance or further than gas and that we have the infrastructure for.

Not a big deal but gasoline taxes are mostly diverted to other non-road expenses already.

Removal of the tax IS further subsidization because gas consumption is already heavily subsidized. The gas tax only claws back some of that subsidy.

We really need to require CDLs to drive some of the behemoths clogging American roads.

What do you mean? The Hummer is 3 electric vehicles smashed into one.

Calling it now: some asshat somewhere will retrofit a two-stroke diesel engine to the back just to roll-coal.

I have the Polestar 2. 250 mile range is plenty... and the EA network is certainly getting better. The fact that its a real car with real switches and knobs, not an iPad on wheels, is what sold me on it vs. the Model 3.  I can do without the extra range.

Well a person could pay taxes and donate to charity. That’s what I do, and I don’t have billions to spare.

Ha.  If only.