
The “Integra-Cross” was probably in the bean-counter’s spreadsheet.

The old old Integra was available in both 2- and 4-door versions.

Delicate, soft treatment.

Prices are set on a global market.

What’s crystal clear is that the surest fire way to get people to buy more efficient vehicles is to increase the cost to operate less efficient vehicles (i.e. raise the price of gas).

Right, and Single-Family Homes run north of $1M easily, on average.

The Northeast Corridor is a proper noun.

Very true...theres probably off-street parking in your apartment and work, so double the opportunity to charge.

Loving my polestar2

Can’t wait to ride these new trains next year.

The biggest problem for EVs isnt city dwellers.

My last 330 had a touchscreen and iDrive. I only used iDrive as the screen was too far away.  I had no problems with it.

The people of his state back the BBB bill

Maybe its written by someone who will be alive long after Manchin and other Boomers and GenXers who don’t care, thus this is a critical issue for him.

Climate change is real. Manchin is a shill for coal. Climate action is being held hostage by two politicians. Running into anyone with a car, or even threatening to, should be considered assault with a deadly weapon.

Biden himself has said when you have a 50/50 senate, you end up having 50 presidents. Each one holds basically all the power.

Why aren’t they concerned about the $7.5 trillion defense budget?

Oh it’s complete bullshit that EV drivers aren’t paying for roads. Roads are paid for with all sorts of taxes: Property taxes. Sales taxes. Income taxes. Registration fees. Not to mention utility taxes. Have you ever seen an electricity bill? Loaded up with fees and taxes.

Ok — fine. Then end ALL, and I mean **ALL*** subsidies to oil and gas domestic and foreign. That includes the military.

the wishes of the people they were elected to represent