The Polestar 2 single motor gets 265 miles and costs $45,900 before $7500 tax credit.
The Polestar 2 single motor gets 265 miles and costs $45,900 before $7500 tax credit.
Let’s all not forget the huge federal govt loans Tesla received when it was starting out. Yes, they paid them back. But without them, Tesla would not be where it is. We heard endless stories about Solyndra etc., but squat about Tesla.
Agree. The Prius was the last innovative thing Toyota did. 25 years ago. Maybe the Mirai.
I’m not referring to weight alone. I’m referring to complexity. An ICE has Something like 2000 moving parts. An EV, 20 moving parts. It’s just more crap.
As will its owner.
If you drive the PHEV around and have to plug it in ... every day to stay mostly EV ... then you’re lugging around an ICE and all its complicated componentry for no good reason. Why bother. For the occasional road trip? Rent a car in that case.
I leave you with this
Power is the heart of the GOPs actions, they just used racism to reach their goals. Obama was popular with democrats and most independents, not with Republicans. He won in a landslide, but he didn’t do that with GOP support.
They’re going for the “affluenza” defense. Watch.
Moderates exist man. Pure pragmatic politicians are out there. Most of the democratic party isn’t progressive, or at least they aren’t where the progressives are.
Biden lost by almost 40% in WV. So AZ is a big win, and massively relevant when comparing Manchin to Sinema.
And $200k isn’t far from it. Maybe they should COMPROMISE at $200/400k.
Pretending he isn’t very much fulfilling his constituents’ desires is silly.
No one thought he was “progressive”. But he’s arguably the best we’re going to get from West Virginia.
This is plain dumb. $100k is not the same in Topeka and Los Angeles. You have to factor in the cost of living.
Not really. Continuing to burn fossil fuels is my loss. And your loss. And your kids’ loss.
Polestar is doing more than most. Deflecting is a time-tested way of trying to rebut the primary argument. The focus is getting away from fossil fuels.
That said, I haven’t completely forsaken the ICE powerplant. I did pick up a 6-speed M2 for fun.
Yep. Just like folks still like riding horses. :)
A burning planet is a loss.