
The Giulia QV with Harris on it, the middle working class honesty in him, I hoped that he would say “M3 is slightly better” and went geeky like how the steering is crisper and the balance sets for better controllable drift, all that nerdy bits, just like he did in the internet video and I’d be glad. But he went

With the trio blokes gone, gone are the historical, old haute car culture angle takes. We no longer get to know how the 1980s car trim moniker ‘GTX’, ‘GLS’, ‘GSI’, ‘GLX-I’ determines who sits where in the office or why Lancias were like the fine wines of cars that are no more, why we fancies Alfa Romeo, or why do we

That’s the word!

The other people who would have liked this is my friend, who is a Salafi Imam, the fundamentalist Muslim who preached a lot in his Facebook posts. “Don’t date, get married” he says very often.

  • Not following crew instructions: true, too many people regard them as the “glorified maids” or “air waiter/waitress”. Their original designation was Flight Safety Officer, just like those responsible on securing the deck, ramp, mooring rope on a boat. It is serious task, ensuring that the door is properly closed and

People think that the riches like Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Rothschild, Bloomberg is the main customers of these kind of novelties. Buffet drives a truck, Bloomberg takes subway.

After digging through the activist’s tweet, I found out that her dad wore shorts according to her. Was he barred from the flight? I don’t know, she did not mention or simply wasn’t being articulate about it. But it looks like the gate attendant did not make a fuss about her dad’s clothing. However, the nature on that

Well, I get the issue of women being told what to do with their body. But bringing that topic everywhere out of relevance? That’s why this movement failed. Besides not being consistent (fully clothed = victimising women’s body, unclothed = exploiting women’s body). This is that typical misinformed and unknowledgeable

Is leggings = long johns for men?

Your boarding pass and tickets will be marked with specific codes, identifying whether you are:

McLaren F1, the king of the cars. There is nothing else. Broke the speed record just because it can.

Usually, they also at mirin (cooking rice wine) to the mix.

As an Asian who consumed more rice per capita than any other nations on earth (Indonesia), I would say, some people who are recently into rice, didn’t do these:

Generally, Australia (at least in Sydney, NSW or Perth, WA) are still polite. I compare this to Italians.

Judging from how “mothering DNA” makes woman more often makes “sensible choices”. In a typical racing situation, the woman will choose to be very conservative. The male will machoistically raced his tyres to flat. When the racing nears the end, the woman driver will stroll consistently, while the man will have to

Well, good. Keep at it. Because my daughter will be the first F1 champion.

LOL the irony.

BRIMOB means mobilisation brigade. It is a quick deployable forces. There are those who work in Aceh, dealing with gritty shits like Islamist rebels and American corporations. And those who stationed to garrison a city all over Indonesia.

That Fox body Mustang rework though... what a massive work they done to the car. These blokes really know their stuffs. If I recalled correctly, in that same episode, they also did the Honda CVCC. A very very petrolhead-oriented show.

In Indonesia, this was shown in DMAX (used to be Discovery Turbo). It is a failed TV channel, full of mediocre American car reality shows: like some garage owners ruining cars, or some hodge-podge bunch restoring classic with their affable skills, people with alarming social skills get to work on choppers, some