
Koreas made stuff to impress other people. It is hardly genuine. Stuff like K-drama are over-the-top because it is like Coke soda you wanted: extremely sweet with little else. You watch other Asian drama, the Chinese tries to tell a story, the J-dorama tries to imply a message, while K-drama is full of elements to

It is clear when Turkey tries to establish as the fact checker by presenting as much data as they could, doctored or not. But judging from that radar flight tracker, it is that amount of airspace they are contesting. Approaching and egressing the area would take much much less than 10 warnings every 5 minutes for the

I always thought that diesels in Europe has much better technology due to government support. But the Ford Focus diesel, the BMW diesel imported here still has that putrid smell coming from the exhaust. So it is not just 10+ years old Toyota technology.

Well, this should teach the European politicians, policy makers, that their often under-informed populism policies could end up in disaster like this. Once proudly being a step ahead with their carbon dioxide and diesel-craze, now come this realisation and its nitrous oxide side effects. All those tax breaks, carbon

British car engineering still doing British things in 2014.

We all know the new Toyota cars are good. We now have more efficient engines, loaded 21st century feature, finally a 6-speed gearbox, and fancy stuff like coloured HUD.

Hopefully, no more fancy design with cheap materials of 2012 Hyundais.

Some cars’ manufacturing process are made unnecessarily complex for silly reason: capitalism at its worst. Incompetent people made the decision.

Not too fancy part of the A380: front section of the wing root, made in Bandung, Indonesia.

Not in Wikipedia: James Watt gets his data from an ordinary farmer who seeks to replace his horse with Watt’s newly designed circular mechanics steam engine using planetary gear. It is arbitrary, but let’s hope that farmer is accurate enough, given his experience with horses.

Do a Toyota War article! Named after Chadian forces, on top of their Toyota Hiluxes, humiliated a whole garrison of modern Russian APC & IFV-equipped Libyan airbase.

Great times for car fans. Top Gear misses so much: they used to laugh at Alfa Romeo Arna, now this is Axis car done right: engineering by Japan, design & engine by Italy. Even better: the best-selling roadster backbone (MX-5), one of the best small sports engine (MultiAir 1.4l Turbo), a decent name plate (Fiat 124).

Headlights being not designed: just put fancy squared LEDs together.

The whole car screams Mazda CX-5 for me. From the exterior (especially that headlight) and the interior mid AC vents & monitor placement.

According to Top Gear: the yob-mobile.

I don’t understand this aspect of US conservatives: how do you find money buy more F-35 or keep those guns oiled if they are continually cutting taxes?

The notion that military = conservative in USA is probably the career brass’ own doing. They are unnecessarily traditional and generally reserved to themselves. Once retired, they hoped that the GOP and their defense contractor cronies will give them a chance on political/business career opportunity.

Like everyone said: badge engineering. Let’s put Sonata’s interior with more wood and leather and call it a day. It will fail. Like Acura’s glorified Accord.

On blaming safety:

I am not angry at all about this. I was angry when VW said to Michael Bay that he can’t have Beetle to transform into Bumblebee, because we don’t want to identify ourselves with violence.