
I actually do; Truett can oppose same-sex marriage if he wants (as can I). If you’re “tolerant” then your tiny head wouldn’t have exploded and all this fake, false uproar wouldn’t have occurred.

And of course, there’s the people who are just upset that there are protesters.

“Oh my god! These people are picking on billionaires! They’re so cruel!”

I like how the Cyclones had to act like the protest was offensive. I mean, I can understand making a statement when someone stages a protest at your event for whatever reason, but simply acknowledging the company’s clear anti-gay stance is hardly offensive.

This is a car article. You’ve just specifically requested this story not be told because you didn’t like the person it’s about.

Congratulations, you’re a bad person!

You don’t belong in a welcoming community like Jalopnik.

How do you know how many people are interested in reading about transgender people and issues?

Yes, you are and you are the only irrelevant thing here. You are not fooling anyone with your dogwhistling.

So don’t read about them.

What you’re really asking is for journalists to pretend such people don’t exist because you can’t handle the real world.

Grow up, or shut up. Your choice.

Understood. The solution is to react to those irrelevant stories, and not these relevant ones. Dialling down the flippancy also helps.

You do know that we have to see a therapist before surgery right an have 2 to 3 letters from psychologist an endocrinologist before surgery. 

Being from an era where transgender people were even less understood than they are today, I’m not surprised to see such a statement attributed to him.

This. This.This.This.This.This.This.This.This.This.This.

Because police unions exist to prevent any possibility of police officers being held accountable.

Hell, they shouldn’t care if it is on while they are in the bathroom. If they are doing nothing wrong, then they’ve got nothing to hide.

No, I believe RTW laws are bullshit. I find them rather inhumane and don’t want to be fired for simply anything from attitude to being a trans lesbian.