

Grounded to the ditch.

Did this on and off during spring thaws near GR, MI. The Grand River always gets an ice plug or two.

And it’s in a pocket so *never think about* your foot sliding or slipping on your way up.

In the mid 90's, our dealership had one customer’s in three summers in a row. For months at a time since new parts were being used for production.


Gen II coupes are the stuff of dreams.

Then sneaky snake it.


Lack of competition leads to higher prices?

I learned snap-oversteer very very quickly in gen 1 Vipers when I was in my early 20s and used to under steering turbocharged front wheel drive cars.


I think that’s about what I just said.

Don’t Chargers whip Camrys in every metric save quality and sales volume?

Oh they still WANT to.


For those who think we are “cornering the market”, or will mark up our cars you all couldn’t be farther from the truth. I have never mark cars up over MSRP...We just saw that the orders were not being filled and the plant is closing down, so we wanted to make sure all these cars were produced. 

I believe this can be done with near $5k worth of new and used or aftermarket parts.

I do like me some blown -V

A Viper that doesn’t want to kill you shall not be called a Viper.