
I’m too old to pirate stuff anymore anyways. 18 year old me would be giddy.

On one hand, I think that Nintendo’s adding of online features is a genuine attempt to provide a reason for its longtime fans (those who still have access to the old games, be it on an NES Classic, a Wii U, or even an original NES) to subscribe to the service.

I mean yeah the subscription part isn’t bad. It’s only 20$ for a year, but it the other stuff that is getting me riled up. The online features in NES games that no one wants and the lack of library/other systems games. It just feels to me that they’re going to slowly release these games on the subscription service

yeah man, I can’t wait to play balloon fight online.....said no one ever.

Seriously, in what world does Nintendo think that people want to play NES games not only online, but with voice chat on your phone as well?

Im just a little confused about what Nintendo’s doing here. Are people really asking for NES games with updated online functions? I can’t believe that.