The irrational hate is strong in this one....
The irrational hate is strong in this one....
Simcity 4 is still definitely my favorite.
None of the Greenman Gaming Deals will work because you used the numeral 1 where it is actually "I" The discount code should be 9I47I9-ZOM38L-ZGV9KW not 914719-ZOM38L-ZGV9KW
None of the Greenman Gaming Deals will work because you used the numeral 1 where it is actually "I" The discount…
Because headlines are intended to pack as much information into as few words as possible. Unnecessary words like "the" or "and" get removed because they're not necessary to communicate the necessary information.
Steam > Settings > Downloads > Allow downloads during gameplay
The source post doesn't mention it, but Costco gas alone might be worth the membership. (Unfortunately, my Costco doesn't have that)
Honestly, their description and explanation seems like nothing more than a justification as to why it should be paid DLC.
ATH M-50. Excellent budget headphone which punches well above its price point. Good bass, clear treble, excellent isolation. Personally, I think its one of the best headphones for the money.
ATH M-50. Excellent budget headphone which punches well above its price point. Good bass, clear treble, excellent…
I dread people asking cuz for some reason people don't understand when I tell them.
While I like Nimoy, his voice will always be Spock to me (sorry Quinto), I think Morgan Shepards voice is better in CivV.
"He's a covert intelligence operator, you idiot."
Holy hell, was that line so good. Both the wife and I laughed our asses off at it, then backed up the DVR to watch it a few more times. I could take 0 "Dammits!" or "We're running out of time!" just because of that one line.
Seriously, guys, where is the time skip? We have two episodes left. Is it ever gonna happen?
His face...
Mint is the best personal finance tool ever. They are on all major platforms iOS/Android/Mac/Windows. Mint is made by Intuit, who sells money management related products and most trusted org since many years and I trust them because I use to use their Quicken before which is similar to Mint but a self managing finance…
After dealing with exactly this for a while (I have a good job! College degree! Own apartment! Etc!), I backed up my Facebook profile and deactivated my account (instead of deleting it, just in case I wanted to go back at some point). I can't tell you how much it helped. I think I was "off it" for about a month and a…
After the massive security breaches at Target and Nieman Marcus recently, we could all stand to be more aware of the…
Not on fucking craigslist.
Not enough studios are able to collaborate like this because of an insane amount of corp. red tape. Everyone is going to want a cut of the pie. With Rockstar it seems that the way their studios are set up they can easily tap into them and use their engine tweaks or ideas.
How was restricting rights a loss of innovation?
Completely open world 'Merica?