
Alyson has quickly become one of my favorite cosplayers. Her skill in pulling off a damn near flawless Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan is very impressive.

that could work as well!

very true, all he needs is the helmet!

good pick!

It would be very cool if heros could cosplay as their favorite superheroes from Marvel and DC. I could see McCree donning a Captain America skin, Tracer in a Flash costume, Reaper as Batman, Mercy as Ms Marvel, the list goes on.

I cannot understand why they changed Zarya’s hair for the summer games skins at all.

Here in good ol’ Connecticut I am sure we will be the next to cut it, surprised we weren't one of the first!

time gated cosmetic content has become a staple for games, both free to play and full priced. While I’m also not a fan of the practice, I get why developers do it; to get more people online and reenergize the buzz for the game. But it can be frustrating for people who (a) don’t have a lot time to spend playing the

You violate the terms of use, you get your access to the service revoked, simple as that. I would enjoy seeing Blizzard’s response to any lawsuit brought against them based on this ban wave.

A mix of all three but mostly the third based upon my time in game.

Good timing on this response. One of my favorite bloggers wrote a piece on this topic yesterday:

I’m not sure how you are getting those deals. I just checked it out and I don’t see those retailers or deals, only tiny discounts to purchase cards.

This is why I prefer cards (and reward accounts in general) that use actual dollar amounts instead of point systems. Both my discover and amex cards are based on dollars and between the two of them I have probably redeemed upwards of $500 on amazon.

I jumped on this offer a few weeks ago and found it to be hit or miss. The sleep monitoring seems to be on point (always hard to tell accuracy with those though) but the calories and distance traveled seem to be unreliable.

I jumped on this offer a few weeks ago and found it to be hit or miss. The sleep monitoring seems to be on point

Got some serious police business now :D

I don’t recall Judy using a revolver but other than that, another very nice job by Angela

Good deal! Having never owned a copy of any of the films this is a no brainer for me.

Good deal! Having never owned a copy of any of the films this is a no brainer for me.

Nope, nothing so far today. If I was interested in upgrading I would be very tempted by some of the TV deals but honestly I'd much rather prefer a 4k monitor for my PC