
Excited about the night shift functionality, started using f.lux on my macbook recently and has seemed to help, or at the least remind me not be on the computer so close before bedtime.

The stuff I use specifically instructs you to use before brushing. Perhaps the act of brushing helps the rinse work? Dunno the science but it’s been working well for me.

Glad to hear it doesn’t matter whether you floss before or after brushing. This has been my regiment for the past few years and it has served me well (I.e. the dentist hardly has anything to do)

I moved out of my parent’s place last month and cooking for myself on a daily basis was certainly the most daunting aspect. It quickly proved hard to model myself after my mother’s cooking habits as a) she was cooking for three and b) I have to share refrigerator space with the roommates.

Any recommendations for reputable companies to pitch your app idea to?

Midnight Club 3 stills holds a special place in my heart for driving mechanics and car customization.

I have the feeling they have at least 2 or 3 games in the pipeline but continue to stick to their marketing strategy of only marketing one game at a time (for the most part). Rockstar San Diego is the source of Midnight Club as well as Red Dead Redemption so they are certainly hard at work at something at the moment.

Dream journals can get crazy and I highly recommend it. Just by the act of writing it down, your mind is able to remember a dream much more effectively and begin to discover you have dreams that repeat themselves or are actually sequels to past ones. You don’t even necessarily need to read past entries although it

Is the Motley Fool legit? I often see sponsored article titles from them with ridiculous clickbate titles, usually about Apple. But then it seems they actually support helpful earnings reports and are often quoted in financial news.

The creation of carousel was pointless to me but not surprising considering the trend of splitting apps into smaller apps such as Facebook with messenger and Foursquare with whatever they called their check in app. I saw no value in Carousel since the Dropbox still synced photos to your account just fine and the

TunnelBear looks awesome, thanks for the recommendation! I have tried a number of other VPNs that either had a terrible mobile app or didn’t work with Spotify.

adiós Antichamber!

I’ll give it a shot. I had been a long time user of any.do up until earlier this year when their updates really started to lean more towards a pretty UI than a productive one.

What is considered a mini-game in a loading screen? In one of the more recent Test Drive games I played it had classic pong during loading. Does this mean they had to pay Namco Bandi to do this?

At first I thought that iTunes gift card offer was an amazing deal until I realized it is ultimately just another 20% off for individual cards which is par for the course on gift card sales. I'll keep waiting for the next time Staples or eBay have the 25% off offer.

At first I thought that iTunes gift card offer was an amazing deal until I realized it is ultimately just another

Nice try Verizon, still plan on switching to T Mobile in the coming weeks.

Twitterrific because it makes using Twitter much easier and less annoying

That was going to be my question as well. Is this the unedited cuts of the original trilogy or the recently “touched up” versions?

That was going to be my question as well. Is this the unedited cuts of the original trilogy or the recently “touched

Very true - I was thinking of it from the idea of picking up a complete collection rather than saving some serious cash on the previous flicks.

Very true - I was thinking of it from the idea of picking up a complete collection rather than saving some serious

Why would ever get an actor “collection" when the next movie is slated to be released in less than a week?

Why would ever get an actor “collection" when the next movie is slated to be released in less than a week?