
I read in one of my feeds that EA bought the Half-Life franchise for $200 million and was going to publish Half-Life 3 because Valve was no longer interested in doing so. A headline story like that has gotta be true!

Well truth be told I did not fully understand it myself just from playing and ended up watching a couple YouTube videos and read some of the primary articles on the unofficial bioshock wiki.

That is true, the DC universe is certainly no stranger to the idea but I think it is fair to say DC has much less control than Bioshock (as they reboot their universe every so often). Bioshock on the other hand has it in nicely wrapped up package (for the most part).

The sheer scope of the series is what has me most impressed. Traveling not only forward and backwards in time, but also between infinite realities and universes is something I could never have imagined any series in any medium even attempt. Just the concept of "infinite" is difficult for our minds to comprehend

I'm still anxious for a service that can push a notice that my download from my Chrome browser is finished on my laptop/desktop to my phone.

This sounds like a great success story. I have thought about deactivating my account multiple times, even found the secret account deletion page and had initialized it, only to whimp out and keep it active.

I read an article that made this point last year and I really should have paid more attention to it because I can say without a doubt that is definilty my problem now. I'm out of school with a solid paying job and all things considered, I should be waking up with a smile on my face. Instead I am constantly focusing on

I agree they still have the best selection hands down and their prices usually beat out the local guys every time but I just can't justify the subscription anymore as I have been cutting back my purchasing anyways. I was getting at least a couple things every week or so, now, maybe one box a month, if that. I still

Haha whoops, damn auto correct!

Well by cancel I mean auto renew. I think right now it is set to automatically bill me when it is time to renew so I've got to cancel that before then.

It baffles me when music is only sold in certain regions. What purpose could you have for restricting salsa of a song/album in only one specific market, even when that artist has fans willing to drop cash all around the globe. You don't want my money? Then in my mind that constitutes an open invitation to acquire it

Looks like I will be canceling my subscription ASAP. Since taxes are now being collected in my state, Prime streaming has nothing that interests me and none of the books I have searched for are available to lend, I cannot justify paying for it anymore, even if the price wasn't increasing.

On the iPad mini sale:

With the series's history of twists and surprises a friend and I had the idea that what if Crane is taking orders from, or is actually being impersonated by Thomas Elliot. We got the idea from the Hush comic as well as the inclusion of a voiceover by Thomas Wayne in the debut trailer. This gives the impression that

Does anyone happen to know of an app that hides the photos for artists in the music app?

This of course depends heavily on the nature of your job. Myself for example, routinely correspond with offices and reps in Japan who monitor their inboxes like their their lives depended on it (maybe they do). My phone goes silent after 10:00pm and so unless I get a call overnight (which knock on wood does not happen

Who usually has the best deals on discounted iTunes cards?

Haha that is creepy, maybe it was just incredible timing on your part and the card was expiring soon.

I watch my accounts like a hawk, using Mint to track my transactions once a week to make sure I'm not going crazy with spending in a certain category but more importantly, making sure no suspicious charges show up. With that said, I have been very happy with Discover. I've had a credit card with them for over 3 years

Couldn't pass up on that deal on the Samsung SSD - had built a computer last month with a smaller Samsung SSD and I love it, blazing fast.