
I guess that is the real key to it, doing something you love that you prevent yourself from doing elsewhere. Since I would like to use more equipment around the gym, reading a good book is kinda out of the question, except when I am doing a solid stretch on the bike. My only thought right now is limiting my access to

Why do Facebook and now Twitter insist on using SMS to send a code, I'd much rather prefer the use of Google Authenticator.

The idea of paying a fee when you purchase a previously owned game essentially means you will no longer actually be purchasing the games but instead be purchasing the right to access and play the game, similar to the structure of purchasing Kindle books. This trend in business sucks. It's keeping the consumer from

It has always amazed how many people I see walking around with cracked cell phone screens. I've never used used screen protectors or cases for phone and it's still looking good, can't begin to imagine what these people do with their phones.

I am due for an upgrade next month - should I pick up the Nexus 4 or wait to see what is in the pipeline from Google? I'm really only interested in getting something direct from Google in the Nexus family because I am sick of dealing with bloatware and overlying UI's.

Whoever pulled off the bioshock infinite wallpaper, I want to shake your hand, the logo was killing it.

I have tried several of the other popular alternatives and I found that I actually prefer having less features and other stuff. I use iTunes to keep my library organized as I am a fanatic about keeping information correct and I have simply not experienced any major issues with it. Adding and editing info is easy and I


I'd expect we will be able to fly the jumbo 747 plane. There was one in San Andreas and with a map this huge, it will be a blast.

initial thoughts:

It kinda sounds like he is describing Amnesia: TDD which certainly is not a bad thing, sounds good to me, I loved having to actually survive in horror game.

I understand the reasoning behind it but having the logos on the wallpapers is really a pain in the butt.

I'm actually very surprised a publisher would refuse to add DLC, but I applaud them for it, Far Cry 3 is a tight package already.

I'm curious where you heard it was running on a new engine because as far as I knew they were still running off their RAGE engine, but certainly correct me there if I am wrong. That's what has me really excited about it, they have released a number of games on that engine now and so they have learned how to push it to

see that's where it gets a little fuzzy because GTA V is coming out for the same consoles as GTA IV so that's what had me curious. I forget where I saw it but I agreed with an article/comment that said they preferred GTA V to come out on current consoles because Rockstar has had plenty of chances to utilize the RAGE

I may have missed the story but has Dan Houser remarked on why this was bestowed a number instead of simply being another iteration in the current generation? Right now this seems similar to the jump from Vice City to San Andreas and I'm curious as to the naming decision.

wow I am ashamed of myself, I just now realized there is a helicopter in the upper left corner every time.

This would work for very infrequently blogs and sources like the Rockstar Games Newswire and while I will try this out for those, it certainly is not practical for sites like Lifehacker and others that release multiple articles a day, some of which I have no interest in. I have my fingers crossed that Digg is

currently VOTE: FEEDLY but I am very excited about that Digg initiative, sounds like it could become the real deal.

Following the release news on this game is like watching a slow train wreck. I was a disappointed to hear about the online focus during development and reading about all the launch problems now only solidifies my opinion on the online fixation game developers have nowadays. We don't want it and it doesn't work.