
It better be because I’m going to keep doing it.

It doesn’t seem like a good fit to me.

I agree with you. 

Any little soundbyte of a name is turning it into a joke so the ignorant audience can digest 1000s of stories a week that are mostly irrelevant to them.

Giant assembly line game churning companies are terrible and produce soulless garbage. Why would you even want your name in the credits? These games aren’t about passion for nearly everyone involved. It’s about having a job and getting paid.

The same problem exists in most industries. It works just fine. Most people don’t lie in interviews, but you could do it easily. Companies also go out of business regularly.

I have a phobia of getting cut in half from an elevator so no thank you. =(

I get the impression they do some of these on purpose to be cute. 

They should just cast me instead. I look similar and also can’t act. ;)

How did they raise the bridge if trains can’t go up any inclines?

Just don’t be fit. That will show them!

Highly likely to be suicide. 

It’s mostly all fabricated and exaggerated outrage. You can tell from this article alone that it makes no sense. Men are upset an actor is Asian? does anyone seriously believe that is accurate?

Eventually people will claim to like this movie because of how many people dislike it. People always want to be different. Then there will be a hipster movement for it and it will convince people who can’t think for themselves that they actually liked it all along.

I’m still sad about Beth. I wasn’t familiar with any previous versions of this before seeing it. 

I stopped caring because I stopped caring about the content. Star wars is as good as dead now so what do spoilers matter? I hope it was the worlds intention because all media just seems awful now and I simply don’t care.

Lol. I don’t have any stupid people in my family so we will be just fine. 

Star Wars has been reduced to the status of mediocre super hero movies. Perhaps I’ll see it someday, but it isn’t something worth going to the theaters anymore. Disney probably shouldn’t have even bothered.

I bet this will be more intricate than the actual Cyberpunk environments. 

There exists this thing called Paypal that you can use to send money instead. It’s just Venmo, but not public.