Also a good reminder that Kotaku takes bribes for articles.
Also a good reminder that Kotaku takes bribes for articles.
Indeed. That isn’t hacking. Signing in with a devices credentials isn’t a hack. That is the intended primary use case for gaining access.
Throw them in the trash.
Enough with the super hero fad already. It was neat 10 years ago. Not so much anymore.
How much does Kotaku get paid per article for talking about this game?
Pay me for all the data collected on me and I’d at least consider it. Until then I’m not going to take a free wiretap.
Do they? I’d watch them both back to back at the theater.
Sounds like a personal problem.
What do you mean difference between millennial and gen y? There are baby boomers then Gen X then Gen Y and then now Gen Z.
Indeed. I’d be acting like all these smiling strangers if I received $1000 out of nowhere. I’d be yelling if I received $1,000,000 and I’m a quiet person.
At minimum give these cats some darn whiskers. Ideally you’d make them as similar to the live musical as possible.
The game is hilariously easy with a mouse. I’m sure I’ll still have a fun time once I can find someone to do the campaign with.
How much does Kotaku get paid to keep writing Fallout76 games? I know Bethesda really didn’t want this game to fail, but this is embarrassing.
Rigged shit is rigged. The whole point is to tell gullible people what to buy. Considering how bad Death Stranding is that should be pretty obvious by now.
I most definitely do not care about having all of the pokemon. However, I definitely do care about the game being unfinished trash.
I would settle for dying anytime from today up to Christmas.
Sequels aren’t changing. The amount of things people trying to pass as sequels is increasing.