Probably my least favorite episode. Vera as a character is just really uninteresting and annoying to watch.
Probably my least favorite episode. Vera as a character is just really uninteresting and annoying to watch.
Stop watching streamers already.
The game just looks really low quality. I’d prefer a new 2D game. I’ll be skipping this game and likely all future games if they continue making low quality stuff.
This persons narcissism is on par with Trump. His “games” might even be alright, but because he so closely associates them with himself I’m never going to check them out on principle.
beep boop
Just buy 100. Duh.
I’ll never understand the balloon breasts appeal, but oh well. Something for everybody I guess.
Interesting. I’ll have to check this movie out some day.
Alita would have been much better with normal eyes.
Most anime looks fine. Sometimes they even look good.
Holy shit everything this person does it so narcissistic it is crazy. It is so unappealing that I would now never get anything he’s involved with even if I might have otherwise.
I wish.
No, fuck him and everyone who has ever cheated. I’d throw them in jail if I could. The world will never be able to take gaming seriously as long as cheating has no ramifications and as long as it has no ramifications people will profit from cheating forever.
That’s nice, but please get rid of the esports.
Everythings fine! Consume products. And that’s OK!
Fanaticism is bad and should not be encouraged with articles like this. I know you are just a shill though so have fun with whatever Blizzard payed you to write this shit.
They aren’t going to run out of an item with infinite supply.
This article makes me sick. Please don’t preorder anything at all. Being a mindless consumer is pathetic.
This is how I feel about video games in general. Even new games will never feel the same. We can’t be kids anymore.