
I'd burn them first >_>

OK, Jezebel is just rockin' with the pics today. Good one.

HAHAHA, that's a cool picture.

So Y for Yazel is like... wtf??

I don't need social lubricant, but I'll take a beer or two if it helps.

And they better don't mess with the ex-octobaby (yay for the successful surgery)!

"Is there a reader out there that knows how to remotely crash a guy's server and total his car at the same time?"

Still cute! Yay for her!

Oh well, I have a variety of tastes in woman =).

@scarletvirtue: Sorry for double post, but I think they are, their diet barely let's them develop any fat and/or muscle, so it's mostly big fluffy hair.

@boca.llena.de.galletitas: I was exactly thinking about that, I can only hope the rehabilitation programs deeply involve their participation.

I believe in rehabilitation, but some juvenile time would have been a big plus, its a huge offense and there should be some punishment. It's also about protection, they clearly weren't suited for a functional social behavior, I can only imagine the victim's fear of walking outside again.

Now THAT'S publicity!

Well, all I have to say is:

@cocoesq: "I agree that religion and the state should be separate. But you're wrong when you say that my freedom of expression is moot when someone else becomes offended. There is no right to not be offended. If there was, the exchange of free ideas would completely end. Freedom of expression should only end when it

Interesting, ah well, I don't feel like having babies anytime soon, and the 40's are very far away =)