
You guys are very cute =)

And I don't know if it's legal to abort there, most of south america has laws that make abortion illegal, so I really have no idea how things are over there.

Hare Vishnu indeed, she is cute.

I was precisely thinking about this a few days ago. You see, in the last few weeks there has been this "hot new video" everyone was watching in my city, which is in fact, a remake of the goddess bunny (search youtube) famous original video, but with hints in spanish, and a supposedly it's now a satanic message, with a

@HerAirness: Aw shit, the guy was a president candidate, it's full of dickheads here. Puto Madrazo... =/

I'm starting to think my family pushes too much about weight, I have a fast metabolism so I can eat a LOT (i just made a huge pot of chocolate milk and drank about 3/4 of a liter of yogurt from the freaking package) and not gain almost any weight, but they do push each other, whom don't have it, especially my sister

Lot's of useful info, thanks!

@sybann: "Never let your guard down. That's what it is to be a woman." Now THAT makes me sad, so bad it's true.

I just watch it sometimes to laugh about so many wrong and stupid things...

Ugh, this subject really pisses me off, I'll support the taser and pepper spray anytime. Now, for fancy times, try the easily hide able telescopic baton. Unless you like physical contact defense, which totally rocks in my opinion.

I only like Elton John on the flashy clothes, this just looks silly on this guy (no, Elton doesn't (no, I don't wanna hear you saying otherwise)).

Worlds are clashing!

@Hamsterpants: I was raised catholic, still go to church, now i consider myself agnostic, many things creep me out of that religion, but i still go to please my parents and 'cause there's also some good stories to hear.

Seems interesting, but i'm not that much into gore, too much TV desentisized me a bit. That, and watching weird flicks.

@lesbiansayswhat: I agree, just don't stand such bullshit, it's all there is.

It reminds me of certain poll where men told an incredible higher number of sexual partners in their life compared to woman. And well, that's impossible unless they were all gay (cause duh, there's almost 50% percent population of both genders). One gender usually lies telling more and one telling less. Interesting

She has my fighting standards, i don't like fighting at all, but if you force me to, i will kick your ass with whatever i find or whatever dirty trick i can use.

@AndSheWas: Heh, good one, though i do like Clapton. And George as well of course, almost as much as John.