You mean 'Battleship Pug-temkin?'
You mean 'Battleship Pug-temkin?'
Confirmation bias ain't just a river in Egypt.
Surely they mean "This is the age of knowing who is to be done"
Typical Scopio...
Holy shit, in fielding that question, Tyson really chewed him out, really gave his interviewer an ear full.
I don't know; the whole thing seems a little too strained.
I'll be backlit.
Allow me to translate;
Are you a person who has never had to do anything for herself and is just now discovering basic tenets of personal…
As a tentacle monster, I loled.
"Two women walk into a bar, and talk about the Bechdel test."
Mickey and Minnie Mouse were in divorce court. The judge leans over and asks Mickey, "So you think Minnie is crazy?" Mickey looks at the judge, shakes his head and says, "No, I said she's fucking Goofy!"
I ate a shoelace and it came out of my ass tied. I shit you knot.
No bullshit, in 8th grade typing class the teacher said we could call ourselves whatever we wanted, My buddy Joe Montoya said he wanted to be called Ozzy and I said to call me Dio. The teacher flipped out and said absolutely not. She was a total Jesus freak and all on Tipper Gore's tit. She spent the rest of the…