Average Joe

Nice third-hand regurgitated story, Denton-wan has taught you well. At least the Gamma Squad post linked to the video itself.

Trailers the true nature of a film do not reveal, and oohh/ahh special effects shots do not a meaningful movie make. Lucas filled the horrid prequels with "awesome" flying and fighting sequences. He also neglected to add even one drop of compelling heart that might have led us to give a crap about any of the

Even if you had personally designed the B1 instead of riding in the back of a C130, you'd still be completely off-base getting butthurt about this (hilarious) story. The author did absolutely nothing to disrespect the plane or the people who served aboard it, and its AF crew viewed the situation with all the good

While I'd ordinarily agree, it's harder to get a speeding ticket in SF than in any other place I've ever lived. The cops here simply don't bother with speeders most of the time- the city knows it's far easier to get revenue by writing thousands of $85 expired-meter parking tickets a day. Nice try with the "union boss"

SF drivers speed everywhere they can, because they're just as entitled and self-important about driving as they are about everything else. I agree that a redesign is the only realistic way to reduce speeds on this stretch. But given the number of cyclists and pedestrians getting killed regularly in this city by

You don't need to win the lottery- I've seen unfinished kits pop up on craigslist a couple times. Not saying it's a good idea for novices to try to build and fly their own jet aircraft, but...…

Just... yes.

Sure, no problem. You should buy your next car from that guy.

Cheerfully withdrawn ;) I think I might actually love you.

My condescension aside, you can assume nothing of the sort. Hating on anyone simply for having money really wouldn't be prudent for someone in my position. I want nothing like what you would call "income redistribution." I agree that Pelosi and many others are entirely corrupt and do not serve the interests of working


How does having wealth exclude one from pointing out that out-of-control inequality is a problem? By your rationale, the only people who should be allowed to speak for poor people are poor people themselves. Strangely, poor people don't ever seem to get mass-media platforms to speak out. Or did you not notice that

You're correct that these flawed examples are not "normal people" per se, but the fact that the game is rigged against normal working Americans is pretty tough to dispute. Would you prefer that nobody spoke out about normal people getting screwed at all?

As much as he's carved out a lucrative niche 'speaking for the common man' and as much as I do agree with many of his stated positions, Michael Moore has always been substantially full of shit. His messages about corporate corruption and exploitation are based in very real and pressing problems in America, but his

Aww, is you sad that we's let military spending dwindle to only a measly half a trillion a year? Don't worry, we'll be off on another expensive adventure soon enough.

Are you suggesting Putin's Imperial hypocrisy justifies our own? If anything, this is a good time for the US to keep quiet and hope everyone remains distracted from the "gift of democracy" we left in Iraq.

Right, because the proxy wars we've started in the past have always gone so well for the United States. Oh, and sending stealth bombing strikes at Russia's border is a great idea - what could possibly go wrong there? Are you secretly John McCain?

Almost no one in the US is acknowledging the role that the West played in overthrowing Yanukovych. I don't know how so many Americans are able to accept that our government meddles so many other countries' internal affairs but still remain in denial about us having any hand in Ukraine, but there it is. De Nile runs

Your Euro-bashing is misinformed - the fact that EU countries don't waste all their money on enormous offensive forces and quagmire misadventures (like the US) does not mean they lack the ability to project military power. NATO maintains significant capabilities in all its member states. They aren't itching to start a

I agree it's a gimmick that appeals mostly to well-meaning people who can't or won't do the basic math. That said, much like the environmental scam that is the Prius, it's laying significant groundwork for more improvements in a future where (hopefully) we'll be less dependent on fossil fuels for electricity. The