
i love all you tutors on the web. i need not adhere to established rules. i wonder how my stylistic comment is grammatically incorrect??? i know its very zen and you dont get it

Heli-skiing is better

im here for myself, not to help you find yourself

oh not much, just your dumb name and the words you use. sounds like a parrot.

whatever dude, you act like a parrot. what you say is what a parrot may say. all things point to you being a fucking bird

i know what you are doing. and you suck at it boy... go back to your cage, fucking birdboy

leave me alone, parrot.

waht you say is exactly what a parrot would say

you just dont get it. thanks anyways

thats how parrot people a dumb parrot

thats what the parrot would have said too!

you're the one with all the questions... you parrot lookin-ass

not really, you responded every time sounding dumb like "i havent said anything a parrot would say" hahahahah me and my mates were dying last week, youre such a sucker


nice, more parrot talk

i get to decide whether or not you sound like a parrot.

the things you say, a parrot may say too

seems like a fun lawsuit

waht you say is exactly what a parrot would say

amazing how shitty the jordan tape is