
So lots of Executive Orders are now good? Just trying to keep up.

Well said.

The buyers remorse being exhibited by (lets be honest White) people is sickening.

Some colleagues of mine are now realizing that the Clementine King’s planned tarrifs are going to directly impact their quality of life. Big gamers, they enjoy videogames (produced offshore), the game consoles they run on

People who live in the projects != Black people. It would be greatly appreciated if you didn’t conflate the two.

All of these people expressing regret for their vote...who will go vote Republican again anyway in 2018. And then likely vote for the angry orange in 2020 because of some reason they’ll concoct and subsequently buy into about whoever comes out as his top opponent.

Well, if you read the Raw Story story you’d see that apparently, she took it upon herself to just call him names. I’m assuming it’s more emboldened white people fuckery thanks to Orange Foolius occupying the White House.

How long do we have to wait before finding out that this police officer will not be fully punished for his actions? Six months? A year?

Someone tell me again why we should give Trump a chance.

From what I can tell, Trump originally got the idea that 3 million people voted illegally from InfoWars, (Alex Jones,) who, and I’m not kidding, got it from some guy named Jeff on Twitter. Jeff won’t reveal his sources or his methodology, but feels sure that it’s true.

This man is a literal lunatic.

Now this is how you boycott. I hope other successful writers with S&S follow Ms. Gay.

I have always had a low-grade dislike of Casey Affleck that has blossomed into a deep anger. I so agree with Constance Wu, he demonstrates how being a white man who assaults women won’t hurt your career.

Constance Wu is a badass. Doing the thing your conscience tells you is right even if it could hurt you (career-wise, in this case) is honorable and beautiful and I am really impressed by her speaking up. I also agree with her re: Casey Affleck. What a turd.

Yeah, this type of child support case just sucks, especially in a few years when the poor kid can read and find all these stories. It totally sucks to imagine a kid reading about a parent trying to disclaim him or her.

Yep, spending ludicrous amounts of money to kill other people to prevent a handful of potential, maybe terrorist-related deaths is super great.

No republican is going to switch sides on devos or someone because Carson passed 22-0 instead of 21-1. I just don’t get it.

Curiously absent in every Republican military budget increase:

I really, really want to believe in Sherrod, but for fuck’s sake - this is what gets democrats in trouble every.single.time. The GOP falls in line and obstructs and blocks and keeps in lockstep in their grinding halt to progress. Democrats shrug and say “well, maybe he’ll do okay.”

Yeah, because that’s definitely what the GOP did when Obama was in office.

Awesome. Let me get this right, the Affordable Care Act costs the government about 110 billion a year and GOP considers that way too much, but McCain wants to spend ***an additional*** 86 billion per year on military?