I definitely don’t think they’re wasting their breath. It needs to be said, and better it be said here than not at all.
I definitely don’t think they’re wasting their breath. It needs to be said, and better it be said here than not at all.
No. People want to watch *now* and the technology exists to do it.
It’s also stupid that they are tied to your employer. US retirement savings seems really complicated for no good reason. You should really replace it with a system like we enjoy up in Canada. Ours is dead simple. There are two kinds of accounts:
Married to a teacher. Granddaughter of a DAMN fine teacher for 45 years. Many family members also teachers at various levels. Let me just say 1) This woman is a disgrace. 2) Thank you for all your hard work.
Rember folks, this pasty weasel believes in repealing child labor laws! She wants to go back to the days of children in coal mines! Honestly, that bothers me more than money. How morally bankrupt can you be?
This is incredibly brave of her, and no matter how the suit goes, I hope she’s alright. I’m sure it was incredibly difficult for Paula Jones to sue Bill Clinton, but Donald is so petty and vindictive, and his fans are so insane, that this seems even harder.
blahblahblah so we can get this out of here: poor white middle class, the real victims of this elections, the people who’s very existence is threatened by the president elect...
Remember when Obama realized that 1.1 million American jobs rely on exports to Mexico, and that ending NAFTA and starting a trade war with Mexico is more complicated than simpletons think?
It’s not that all trump voters were racist, sexist, islamaphobic, xenophobic, etc. It’s that they felt ok with voting for a candidate who was blatantly all of these things and more, their vote had actively hurt people and they can’t ignore that. They need to take ownership of what they did and I’m not interested in…
What really makes me literally laugh is all the people on Twitter, tweeting to Trump, “Don’t make me regret voting for you!” Or what??? You’ll rescind your approval? HE DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT.
We understand them just fine. They’re a bunch of people that want sympathy for their suffering—joblessness, a lack of opportunity, a lack of economic security, lack of good education, in ability to support their families, rampant drug abuse and addiction, overdoses, an economic system they see as working against…
I hear you. I’ve spent the last 16 years doing just that. You know what I find in return? Militant ignorance. You can literally lay out cold hard facts to these people and they will still not abandon their bias. Believe me, I have many many friends back home in MS that will confirm this. These are people who rail on…
Fucking exactly. Early on the morning of November 9, when the reality of exactly it what this country thinks of people like me and how much they care about legitimate threats to people like me came into focus, I stopped giving any fucks about the feelings of white people. If you do racist or hateful shit like vote for…
There isn’t any valid perspective that would excuse voting for Trump. Period.
To pull the lever for Trump, one of three things has to be true:
1) You are an overt racist and misogynist;
It’s very hard to engage with people whose perspective is that you shouldn’t have the same rights that they do and/or are less human than they are and/or should disappear. I don’t think anyone believes that all of Trump’s voters are card carrying members of the Aryan Brotherhood, but that’s not really the point or…
When your best and only offers are from UConn, Monmouth and Cornell, how do you not go with Cornell? Sure, there’s the glory and tradition of the CoNfLiCT, but with Cornell at least you get a diploma from an Ivy to go with your CTE.
I’m sorry?
We already know their perspective. They believe that Obama has FEMA death camps. They believe that Hillary Clinton is a demon. They believe that Michelle Obama is a man. They are not living in reality.
Sorry, but I grew up in a solidly red county. A very affluent, conservative county in NY. I got the “perspective” of those Trump voters when I was bullied for being brown and being from a mixed family. Those same people are the ones who are now writing hateful, racist posts all over Facebook. I should not have to…
By virtue of voting for him, all Trump voters are, at the very least, definitely okay with racism. We need to hold those voters accountable for that.