
Kim Jong un will never do anything to risk his position as pharoah, and making war on the west is one sure way to be deposed.

Sorry, I genuinely hope I don’t ruin your day, but your statements aren’t quite accurate. North Korea doesn’t have the technology to make a nuke or fire it all the way to the USA **YET**.It’s been reported that they probably will before Trumps 4 years are up. And... chemical weapons do NOT require perfect weather

“Who knew health care was so complicated?” Every single person who has had to factor it’s cost into a budget, or watch their future disappear in a pile of medical bills, plus those who pay attention to those people’s concerns.

“If she can get Syria bombed, she will sure as hell will make sure her kids are photographed rolling an egg on the fucking lawn.”

Yeah...Orange Skippy* has lost his damned mind. When I heard how he forced renegotiations of some deals, by changing terms at the last minute, I thought his business partners put up with it because of the sunk costs. I’m guessing now that those stories are all bullshit, cause what he is doing now wouldn’t promote a

And as this kind of police misconduct becomes more and more frequent, our racist Attorney General “ordered Justice Department officials to review reform agreements with troubled police forces nationwide, saying it was necessary to ensure that these pacts do not work against the Trump administration’s goals of

“...A person has to get off the plane, and it can’t be the flight crew because they need to fly the plane, so that only leaves the passengers...”

Though I’m getting used to them because of Anime watching, YES, captions bother me a bit. Not so much that I’d complain if I knew they were turned on so someone could watch the movie who couldn’t otherwise though. What is the protocol for this? Would they just turn on the captions and deal with any fallout? Would they

I agree with the “yet” bit. According to Slate iirc, Obama wanted the legitimacy of International support, and when that fell apart, he asked for congressional approval, as we’d prefer one do, rather than to act on his own. It drives me absolutely crazy that when Obama wanted to strike airfields -when there were

Me too. According to her (and others) she stood up for herself against the upstart star in the making, Will, and was fired for it. She has every right to hold a grudge. She was the better ant Viv, too....

I’m really torn on this. On the one hand, it doesn’t seem all that difficult to plan ahead. Either don’t drink, or have a ride arranged. But... What about the designated driver who is gifted a drink at the beginning of the night and hasn’t metabolized it below the threshold, by leaving time, for whatever reason? Or

I just started watching Underground yesterday. I don’t usually like watching shows about slavery, because too often they end up being more torture porn than anything else, but I found Underground to be quite balanced. It really is about human strength and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. I bring the show

The life destroying effects of our ridiculous so called “war on drugs”, makes me want to agree, but I can’t. Prescription opiate abuse is rising alarmingly fast. People use them because they have legit pain, and then too many of them graduate to Heroin when they can no longer get prescriptions. Given the often lower

“I have no doubt in mind that even if his very constituents lost their healthcare prior to the next Presidential election, they’ll believe whatever lie he comes up with to explain it.”

There are many complex answers, but I’ll offer a relatively simple one:  Race has a biological component, just as gender does. A person can have feminine or masculine (behavioral and physical) traits separate and apart from that biology, just as a person can have traits associated with a particular race (behavioral

Ok. I can see how someone could pick up that tone from the story.  Statutory rape though...The wording of the law as you’ve presented it, is a bit odd. Not that this is unusual. I have a hard time beleiving that this specific situation - a 17 year old having sex with someone under 16 - hasn’t been tested often enough

Yesha, I don’t want to threadjack, so I’m posting this to a story with few posts so far. I’ve noticed I’m being followed by someone I suspect to be a spammer. How do I keep someone from following me on this blog?

I’m not sure why you don’t seem to have any sympathy at all for a kid who was just killed just for being there. For the record, I understand the father’s viewpoint - if it really happened as reported. He was probably terrified, and wanted to protect his family. If it happened as reported, he was reasonable in his

I posted about my considering buying guns in an earlier story. I haven’t done so yet, because I actually don’t want a gun in my home. I’m aware of all the statistics which point to a gun being a terrible danger to the home’s lawful occupants - especially if those occupants include children. It’s a question of

I’m buying guns. I havent had guns in years, because I believe they have no damned business in a house where children live. I’ve lived a damned long time believing that people who own a hundred guns, hidden in every room, and always at least one on them WHEREVER THEY GO, are crazy. Especially when they’ve been saying