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If you throw a Lloyd’s Talisman at them they fall asleep and it’s adorable

I hope they add the patch to the mobile version

I want Shovel Knight 64

I don’t play Fortnite but I do have an Epic game’s account that is locked almost daily because someone is trying to get in. I’ve sent emails about it to them and nothing happens. If I did play Fortnite I’d be pissed that I couldn’t play but as of now it’s just annoying

There are too many dumb moments to highlight but I liked this one:

Hahahaha same thing happened to me

On ios my mfi controller sorta works. The camera moves super slow and none of the buttons do anything. I think it’s coming but not fully implemented yet.

Any chance at all of them improving the font size?

truly, it would be so much better if someone tv or radio famous almost got killed instead of internet famous

The way it works is you build up that little red meter. Once it’s full you do a combo using R2 four times. It’ll then deplete and your sword will have “leveled up”. You can do this up to three times and it gets more powerful each time.

Does anyone know if there is a reason why they prefer to use their own player (with its many problems) over Youtube embeds?

we used computers to be racist so it’s not racist

Get Bluepoint to optimize Last Guardian

The skeleton looks like the Carthus Swordsman Skeleton. And the “lesser demon” was probably a prototype version of the Demon Prince.

The Mario (she’s not wrong...)

The Evil Within 2 was surprisingly good. It not only fixes gameplay mechanics of the first game, but it also elevates the first’s story and themes as well. It cares about TEW1's characters more than I think any one did.

Witcher 3 was great because you could learn about how to fight monsters before you actually do, but only through reading the monsterpedia codex thing.