
You had me at “ForgetMeNotR ”. I have been craving the first game ever since it was destroyed in the ios 11 update.

*story about literally anything*

well now that is in my youtube play history

Even if they aren’t tied to progression, loot boxes are designed to prey on people with gambling addictions using the same bells and whistles casinos do. They aren’t interested in the average person who might buy one or two, they want the “whales” that will be blowing hundreds or thousands on virtual goods.

Just chiming in to say thank you and please god fix this terrible player

Agghhh. I just spent the past month getting every achievement on PC, and now my broken ass brain is gonna try to do it all again on PS4

Yo a new Culdacept is coming out?!

How is Bluepoint so good at remasters?

The antifa handbook describes liberals as “cuck dumbasses”? Does that make you Antifa?

Yeah I’m in the beta and if you try to launch them it just says it can’t and that it needs to be updated.

Oh wow those Sniper Wolf and Boss cosplays are fantastic

just develop the team-based Dark Souls card game I’ve always wanted and then we can all get back to pretending vr is a thing

eat up martha

I’d love some of the bosses as figures. Ebrietas in particular.

This is the thing that’ll probably get me to play Elite

Now we know why Nintendo shut down AM2R

Coming 2020 to New Nintendo Switch

what everyone wanted: more story in their racing game

I think the issue is that RiMe runs TERRIBLE on PC and people think this is DRM’s fault. It probably isn’t but they need something to blame.